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Perhaps this will be a relatively short chapter, I will simply allow my mind to carry me, as it frequently does.

I briefly wanted to address our blatantly wonderful president, who seems to refute all logic when presented in front of him.

Rather recently, Macron, the current president of France, gathered with other world leaders for a meeting. Trump anticipated him to shake his hand first, however, Macron veered away and shook virtually every other individual.

I find myself being rather foolish for writing about this particular scene, but ah, Trump has been noted for his peculiar handshake. It merely asserts dominance, by pulling the individual closer and squeezing their hand.

When he attempted this on Macron, Macron pushed his hand on Trump's arm and jerked away, immediately brushing past him.

This seems quite insignificant, which it is in comparison to Trump's actual proposals, but this is  a portion of Trump's personality. His brutish persona. When conversing and interacting with other world leaders, he proceeds to exert an ideology of dominance. Yet many consider Macron to a brilliant leader, and a gargantuan portion of the "free world."

I found Macron to be enticing, and an aura caused me to favor him. He has thus proven that he is a highly sophisticated leader and a kind one at that.

But alas, we have a bumbling imbecile as our president, that can hardly utter a coherent sentence that is above the vocabulary of a sixth grader.

Perhaps that's merely his covfefe. 

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