Genuine Ambitions

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I infrequently discuss the ambitions I possess. 

I must note that, rather early this morning, specifically at one, I was enlightened tremendously. Despite my day not flowing in a manner as rational as I wish, my morning was phenomenal.

Essentially, I wish to pursue physics, computer science and medicine. All three for my occupations, as I have a distinct desire to be a polymath.

I have been ignoring others quite frequently, as I have been determined to attend college at approximately fifteen or sixteen. 

Finding a mentor for physics, notably, would be rather simplistic yet quite a harrowing challenge.

You may question why I wish to advance so rapidly, but I feel as though I would be wasting my time sluggishly proceeding. I have set sixteen as the ideal stage, based upon the fact that I wish to at least be a sophomore at that level. 

Evidently this is merely a goal, and is not vital to have. But I certainly believe that the earlier I obtain a doctorate or PhD, the more beneficial based upon the crucial majors I wish to take.

Nonetheless, returning to one this morning, I was educated myself upon Calculus and brushing upon Newtonian physics when I stumbled across an equation that I was unfamiliar with. I leaped out of my bed, and frantically searched for a notebook, and I happened to find one that was black and red. It was absolutely perfect.

I tore pages out, as they were corroded by sixth grade memories which pained me, and I proceeded to write, and write. I have appropriately named it: "Kofi's Notebook of Advanced Physics" and shall write multiple entries daily.

It is most definitely not a chore, as I enjoy physics to such a gargantuan extent. Many are mesmerized and rightfully so.

It is the study of the world and of the universe.

How it works, and so many things are unanswered causing my mind to be overly analytical to a further extent, which seems virtually impossible and improbable.

It is mind boggling how little we know about this universe, but are gradually attempting to grasp. 

I apologize to those I may ignore because of how I am immersed, but I do fear that I may become arrogant.

Today, in art, a subject that I personally would not take if it were not for our factual teacher, who has been out recently, due to medical complications, I was rather aggravated with the substitute. Who prohibited me from working, and instead wished for me to do work I had previously completed.

I selected: "Draw yourself in twenty years" and essentially transformed myself into a satyr, with misplaced eyes, and bizarre glasses, and colored in one section. Fortunately, she can't say that, that is not the limit of my artistic skill.

I attempted to resume with my notebook, but sadly, despite the fact that I am cold and brooding, I felt tremendous guilt and did not.

This notebook will certainly be a gargantuan portion of my life, and I fear that it will be destroyed by those who don't comprehend my adoration for the subject, but I have it for now, and will cherish it.

I simply hope that I advance sufficiently to be in college early, as I have many vital majors, and I must complete them in order to delve into research, and begin actually discovering the unknown.

I doubt that many if not any individuals will be sorrowful at my departure in high school, perhaps aside from those of you who happen to attend my school. Although, to be fair, we don't converse very frequently, which I find rather sad.

However, I shall blame myself and my introvertedness, and I sincerely apologize. The sheer awkwardness may cause you to gravitate towards silence.

But ah, that's merely it for now.

I suppose that I can leave the first page, which is simplistic enough that it is simply motion.

Shall I proceed then?

Here we are:

June 11th, 2017: Motion; Kinematic Equations

In regards to this notebook, I shall contain information in regards to advance placement (AP) physics. I am presently approaching the final week of my schooling as a mere eighth grader, and am attempting to prepare myself for college at either fifteen or sixteen. I certainly and perpetually hope that my goal is accomplished concisely and rationally. Nonetheless, this is appropriately titled: "Kofi's Notebook of Advanced Physics." 

Here I will record the two essential equations of kinetic motion. These happen to be:

The Definition of Acceleration:

V = V0 + (a)(t)

As well as The Displacement Curve:

X - X0 - V0 (t) t (1/2) (a) (t^2)

That happens to be the first chapter, primarily at least. 

 Now I shall conclude the chapter here, and present one final question.

Would actually transferring my entries digitally, please you?

I know the majority would say no. Simply be honest, I'm aware that physics is not for every individual, and may be incredibly uninteresting.

I take absolutely no offense.

Farewell then for now I suppose.

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