The Inanity Of Humanity

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Presently, I am absolutely irked. 

Although in truth, I have been for quite some time in regards to this topic.

Nonetheless, I have refrained from discussing it, solely because I do not believe that many would be remotely intrigued.

However, upon pondering it, I have noted that those of you who happen to read this are intellectually capable of being intrigued by this topic, which I yearn to discuss.

The topic is funding for scientific projects.

An astonishing quantity of scientific experiments can not be properly fulfilled due to lack of funding. 

Sadly, as America is so severely governed upon profit only rather than sole advancement, the billionaires would not be remotely interested in this.

In being a mongol of science, generally you would not be paid an extraordinary amount unless you proceed to work in areas which (Bill Nye in this instance would be a splendid example of) you happen to distribute scientific knowledge in amusing ways or have breakthroughs.

In regards to a topic I am severely passionate about, as you may know, this being Astronomy.

We could of course set a colony on the moon in order to gather helium three, through the process of sifting lunar dust. This would be highly beneficial to utilizing fusion power, which could alternatively create massive sources of energy without fossil fuels, and it could practically be converted into any substance. Water could be the equivalent of oil in terms of powering.

But what's more interesting?

Furthering our capabilities in electricity or checking Twitter to see if I can invest in a new brand of shoes?

Obviously shoes in the eyes of many millionaires and billionaires.

Few are intrigued, yet the issue is, many are not involved in scientific fields intensively. It generally requires immense focus and care for the project, and many are not remotely interested.

We could secure bees, since their importance is unfathomable. Yet many consider them to be insignificant pests.

We could advance research in CRISPR, which could in turn obliterate the major diseases in the world by altering their DNA and re configuring it. Despite the downside of them utilizing it and evolving to overpower it as they generally do, this is unlikely, and with funding it would be absurdly beneficial.

How expensive would this be?

Approximately thirty billion dollars.

Yes, that may seem absurd.

But the United States spends more than that on wars that do not need to be fought. 

I'd rather further our knowledge of the universe and increase scientific prowess than to be drafted into a pointless war.

It's a genuine pity. The possibilities are endless, yet it appears as though no individual happens to have any considerable interest.

I'm aware that regardless of what we happen to do, we will all perish. This world will conclude.

Yet we can make astonishing differences with effort. None of this may matter in billions of years, yet it will matter today, tomorrow, and with many more centuries. Investing in a shoe company as a millionaire does absolutely nothing aside from provide you with more profit. That may seem glorious and absolutely magnificent, yet you could also enable us to travel across the stars and sustain the Earth in less harmful manners.

A brief announcement as well. I have surpassed "The Elementalists," as my most viewed, voted and commented story. Thank you. We are also nearing one thousand at a considerable rate. This would not be possible without your interest in my opinion. Simply thank you once more.

Ah well, thank you for reading this as well.


(Splendid I had Ah for two rows. Three now.)

I would like to commend my consistent readers once more to conclude with this chapter.

comparings - Thank you for reading and commenting, causing me to chuckle and beam.

ELECTR0N1TE - I applaud you for being here since the beginning and providing insight on my comments consistently.

SuperiorGhost - I would like to thank you for contributing to the views and commenting very intriguing comments.

specificbrandcereal - For being a mere box of cereal, you have commented since you began reading, and these comments brought genuine value to my writing.

 @SuperFay  - For being a maternal Wattpad friend. A frightening thought nonetheless.

jcdwriter - Thank you for the encouraging messages and for reading extensively.

@Amethyst-Phoenix - I would like to commend you for bothering to read this and remaining with my work.

Lastly, but certainly not least @mccnlit for consistently reading and enabling me to be hopeful about my future.

Farewell then I suppose, and in general, I would like to acknowledge all of you.

Apparently not all mentions were implemented. But you'll arrive. 

I would certainly hope so.

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