Tutelage The Cessation

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As insinuated by the title, this shall be the conclusion of my rants in regards to the education system and curriculum.

That being said, and knowing me to a minuscule extent as an individual, you can infer that this will be considerably gargantuan. 

Nonetheless, I would like to commence.

 Hopefully you happen to be satisfied with this portion of my horrendous amalgamation of pontificates.

I have been infuriated with the curriculum that I have endured since kindergarten.

My teachers have reiterated it, and to be truthful, I believe that general skills in regards to human decency and communication are needed. 

Quite a few teachers state that we learn complex concepts at a young age. I do not necessarily object, however, I feel as though what they are saying should be taught, should be an addition.

It seems as though the perpetual stigma and hierarchy of individuals being considerably au courant has lasted since its beginning and popularization in America. 

The individuals that are relatively popular, obliterate the feelings of those pesky "nerds" such as myself (supposedly) and happen to sob when they work at McDonalds is a frequently told story.

Yet, the majority of this would be avoided with sufficient care in kindergarten.

I know quite a few children that possess knowledge of in depth sexual intercourse, and not sufficient knowledge, but knowledge of rather, er interesting methods of penetration.

I'd rather not say that again. 

"Interesting methods of penetration."

That sentence is revolting.

Regardless, having an idea of being considerate towards others would be more beneficial. Many individuals have revelations towards their behavior when they are considerably older. Certainly, it is preferred that they have it in middle school than at forty after murdering two individuals and being accused of rape, but it should be earlier than that.

The golden rule which was initially noted by Confucius is not sufficient.

"Treat others how you want to be treated." In layman's terms is essentially be kind to everyone since you wish for others to be kind to you.

Well, we do not all wish to be treated the same.

In truth, If I treated every individual the way I wish to be treated, I would be despised.

Well, more so than I presently am.

I am introverted. I prefer reading along with a book. If I didn't speak to anyone for the sake of providing peace and quiet, I would be considered rude since the majority of the population consists of extroverted civilians. 

Quiet is indeed violent. Yet it is also serene.

Quite a few people see it, sadly, as rude.

Nonetheless, the premise of the golden rule was initially fine. Yet we require more than that to be efficient.

Now, to proceed to the curriculum of my school.

I have consistently reiterated the mere fact that a portion that is far too grand, in regards to our education, is useless information.

The issue is, we must learn specific things to be considered functional citizens of the twenty-first century. I truly do wish that at a certain age, when you show great interest and skill in an area, you can attend classes dedicated to that. Yes, AP classes and honors, we apply and are accepted, yet those are often very broad and you frequently have students that are not as engaged.

If I could attend computer science and astrophysics classes for the majority of my day, and then do the "core" subjects, I would prefer that.

There is only so much to cover. In honors science we essentially review what was learned for every other year of science, aside from the fact that we don't have a teacher and are given assignments that we have already done, aside from idiotic twists and complex as well as unnecessary additions for our teacher to refer to us as morons in a discreet manner.

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