It Hurts ((39))

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Kim's POV

I woke up to wishbone on my lap,I slowly open my eyes and see Kian.

"Hey sleepyhead"

"Hey Kian.....where is everyone else?"

"They all went out for a bit."

"Why didn't you go?"

"I wanted to be here when you woke up."He smiled at me

"Aww thanks Kiki"

I put wish bone on the floor and walk upstairs to get my phone.I grabbed my phone from Jc's room and saw that I had a message from Maddi

Mad dog🐶:Hope you feel better when you wake up bbg,be home in a few😘

Kim K🍑:I do feel better and I'll see you soon😁

I went to the bathroom with my phone because I know you do it too,when I pulled my pants down I saw blood......

Well maybe it just my peri-but I'm pregnant

I started to panic, I pulled up my pants and ran downstairs to Kian

"K-Kian can you p-please drive me to the h-hospital"I start to stutter

"WHAT! Why? Are you ok?"

"K-kian just please I'll explain l-later"

At the hospital...

Kian's POV

I was sitting in the waiting room waiting for everyone else to get here, I didn't know what happened but I hope she's ok.

"Kian what happened?"Jc asked me while rushing in

"I don't know one minute she was perfectly fine then out of nowhere she wanted to go to the hospital"I responded not locking up at him

I saw Maddi sitting all the way on the other side of the room, I walked over to her and hugged her.

"Mr.Caylen"the doctor called out for Jc

Jc's POV

I followed the doctor into the hallway, I was a little scared she had a sympathetic look on her face.

"Mr.Caylen I want you to know that Ms.Hollow is doing fine but unfortunately the baby didn't make it"

I stayed quiet

"Ms.Hollow is able to leave you can go see her if you would like,I'm sorry for your loss"and with that she walked away

I slowly walk back to the others without saying anything

"Is she ok?"Maddi asked me

"Um.....yea...yea she's fine"I still couldn't wrap my head around this

"Is everything ok? What about the baby?"

"Um the didn't make it"

"Oh my god"Maddi gasped putting her hand over her mouth

"I'm going to go see her"

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