Everything Goes Wrong

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I slowly walked into the principle's office and tossed my bag onto the chair next to me. No one was in yet so I used this time to think. Why won't people just call me by a different name? What's so hard about it? It's not like it's gonna kill them. Just then, a door opens behind me, interrupting my thoughts. A pale woman with short blonde hair sits down in front of me,"What did you do this time, Y/N ....Uhh.. Alex?" I look up at the woman and roll my eyes,"The same thing that I always do, nothing." She sighs,"If your name is that big of a deal, why don't you get it legally changed or go to therapy about why you want a new name?" I place a look of disgust on my face as I look at my feet, hair covering my eyes,"Therapy wouldn't even scratch the surface of my problems. And if I had the money to change my name, don't you think I would have done it?" The woman pulls a slip of paper out of a nearby draw and starts writing on it. "Since it has been requested, I think you should be suspended for a week and a half. You shall come back next Wednesday," she says, handing me the slip of paper. I take the slip and stand up, exiting the room and going to my locker to collect my belongings. "What happened?" I hear a soft voice ask from behind me. I turn around and see my 'friend' Jessie. "I got suspended," I responded blandly. Jessie just sighed and walked away, leaving me alone at my locker. After grabbing my things I begin to walk home since I don't own a car. On my way home I decide to stop at a convenience store to get a soda. I walk up to the counter when a man dressed in all black pushes me onto the ground and pulls out a gun. Shooting the cashier, he reaches around the counter and grabs all of the money he could but to my surprise, he didn't run off. Money in hand, the strange man walks up to me and reveals his face. He has dark green hair and his eyes are....what? His eyes are unlike any other. One of his eyes is solid black with a green pupil and the other is green with a blue iris and a black pupil. Pulling me out of my thoughts the man shoves the money into my pocket and whispers in my ear. "Go buy yourself something pretty."

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