Where Am I?

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Alex's POV

I wake up in an unfamiliar environment, memories of how I got here blurred into nothingness. "Oh, look who's awake!" I hear a sinister voice say from the doorway. I look over and see the same green-haired man from earlier. "Where am I? How did I get here?" I ask as I jolt up from where I was previously laying. "Well, darling, you're in my house and you will be for a while." The man smirks up at me and starts talking again,"As to how you got here...Let's just say I found you in a time of vulnerability and I...took advantage of it." I look around and notice that the house looks like it should be abandoned, small pieces of the ceiling and wallpaper flaking off. "Why did you bring me here?" I ask slightly quieter than before as I sit back down on the bed. "Why the fuck are you asking so many questions?" The man asks as he rolls his eyes and hits his head against the doorway. He walks into the room fully and leans against the wall. "Lemme just explain everything to you. Well, everything that I can say. I've been watching you for a while now, fascinated by your fast reflexes such. After a while, I noticed that you weren't like everybody else and I decided to keep you as my...slave. I started making small appearances and soon enough got you to wonder off by yourself and here we are." The man pushes his hair out of his fave and I notice that he isn't...normal. His left eye is solid black with a green pupil and his right eye is green with a blue iris and black pupil. The green in his eyes are way brighter than the dark green color if his hair. He notices me scanning over his face and he smiles creepily, revealing teeth that come to a complete point,"In case you're wondering, no, I'm not human. No further explanations on that subject." I just put my head down and I take in everything. I've been kidnapped by some...demon and Im going to be used as a slave? The what I'm assuming to be demon pipes in,"Yep. That is correct!" I stare at him with wide eyes as he chuckles,"I can read minds ya dumbass!" He then stands up straight and signals for me to stand up. "So what do I call you?" I ask, slightly shaken up by everything. "Anti. You?" He responds blandly. "Alex..." Anti begins to lead me through a hallway and we arrive in a kitchen that looks like it's been through hell. "So you clean up the entire house while I go play video games. If you do good I might feed you well." Anti says as he walks slowly out of the kitchen. This is gonna be hell...

What Do You Want from Me?// Anti x ReaderМесто, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя