Why Me?

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          You just finished washing all of the dishes and you sigh,"This is took fucking forever." You look around the kitchen and notice that everything seems to be done. Walking into the living room, Anti throws you a heavy object. You look at your hands and notice that you are holding a can of dog food,"Do you expect me to eat this? I am a human! Not a fucking dog!" Anti looks over at you and smirks slightly,"It's for my friend's dog, dumbass. When the doorbell rings, take that to him. He will probably ask many questions but just bring him in if he does." Anti looks back at the TV screen with some old video game on it, leaving you standing awkwardly with a confused look on your face. You walk upstairs to your 'room' and put your hair up in a ponytail since it was a bit of work to scrub those dishes until they were clean. As you sat down, the doorbell rang so you went back downstairs with the dog food in hand. When you opened the door, you saw a confused man with black hair standing in front of you. His eyes were looking in the house behind you so you examined his face a bit. His eyes were black with red pupils and he had a bit of scruff on his face. His teeth were sharpened to a point like Anti's and he had a weird static-y aura surrounding him. He was looking at you expectantly so you spoke up,"How may I help-" suddenly, the man interrupted you,"Who the hell are you?!" You gave him a weird look and then answered. "My name is Alex...Im Anti's slave... Im only telling you this because I assume you are here for this?," you say, holding up the can of dog food. His eyes shift from you the the can,"Uh, yeah but...where is Anti? Too lazy to chat with his best friend?" He smirks a bit at this comment but you stare right into his eyes,"Now it's my turn for questions. Who are you?" He laughs a bit,"Anti hasn't spoken about me? Im hurt. My name is Dark and I've known Anti since the beginning." You looks behind you and step to the side of the doorway, allowing Dark inside. "Anti said that if you start asking too many questions to just let you in so go in I guess," you shrug at him and walk behind him to the living room. "ANTI!!" You hear the man yell and a noise that sounded like he tackled Anti. You walk into the room and see Dark and Anti curled into a ball on the floor. "DAMMIT DARK YOU MADE ME DIE!" Anti yelled as he looked at the TV. You giggled and both men turned to you. "You know, Alex. Why don't we show Dark your......skills?" Anti says shoving Dark off of him. Dark pokes his head up,"What skills?" You tilt your head to one side,"Yeah, what skills?" Anti stands up and drags you outside, grabbing a few things on the way out. When I look into his hands I see a few dishes. He hands Dark some and they begin to throw them at you. "FOR FUCKS SAKE GUYS! First off, why, second off..... I JUST WASHED THOSE GODDAMN DISHES!!!" Dark look at you wide eyed. When you look around you noticed that during conversation, you dodged all of the things thrown at you. Dark still looks shocked,"How did you do that?! And you aren't a demon?!" "That's why I chose her." Anti said smirking. 'Whats so great about dodging a few dishes?' You thought to yourself. "Well," Anti spoke,"We can throw harder than humans. I mean, look at this." Anti grabs a rock and throws it at a nearby car. The car is destroyed and the rock is obliterated. You look down and see a rounded rock on the ground so you decide to pick it up. Seeing Anti and Dark weren't paying attention, you threw the rock at a different car. The car had a huge dent in it and the rock was split in half. The damage wasn't as bad as Anti's but it was there. You turn around and see that Dark and Anti were both looking at you wide eyed. "She is definitely not 100% human," Dark mumbled to himself. Anti sighed,"We need to call Blank. He can help figure this out. All about a fucking slave," Anti mumbled that last part but you could still hear it. Both men begin to head inside,"Dark! What about this?" You ask holding up the can you've had since he got here. He shrugged "Ah, fuck it! I don't need it anyway." You walk in behind both men and start thinking about who this 'Blank' person could be....



Anywho... I havent updated in a while and I saw that we hit 100 read so I was like "Hey, I should probs update" so here it is! Sorry its shit :/

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