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You walk up to the school, books in hand, and think about how long you've been gone,"Don't worry, kid. Its only been like, two days." "Don't listen to Anti, Alex. Its been one fucking day." "No, Blank, Anti's right. It's been two." You roll your eyes and whisper,"Guys, just because you have access to what going on in my head, doesn't mean I want you to invade my thoughts!" Who came up with this idea anyway. "It was actually Anti's idea."  "Shut up Blank! I'm trying to think!" you whisper-yell, hoping no one hears you 'talking to yourself.' "Alex? Who are you talking to? And where have you been?" you hear a familiar voice speak. "Oh, hey Bell. I'm just talking to myself about what all I've missed since I've been sick," you say naturally, almost as if you weren't lying. "Damn, Alex. Since when have you been good at lying?" You roll your eyes at Dark's comment and focus again on your conversation with Bell,"Oh, I hope you're feeling better at least. That explains why you haven't been answering any of my texts or calls." You sigh, remembering that Anti never returned your belongings since you discovered part of your past,"Actually, my phone fucked up and broke. I guess it just got a little too old." "Awww, bummer. Are you gonna get a new one now or wait for your parents to get back?" Bell asks, seeming to get suspicious about your behavior. Your shrug and try to not think about your life before Anti so that the three stooges don't find out too much about you. "Are you sure you're okay Alex? You," Bell gets a bit closer to you,"You know you can talk to me right?" You back up a step,"Yes I do Bell. Thank you but I should get to my class so I can get my makeup work." You walk away and the guys immediately started talking up a storm,"Guys! can you get out of my head for two god damn seconds?!" "Actually, we aren't in your head. We are just communicating here so that no one else hears us." "What do you mean so that no one hears you?" You ask quietly. You feel a soft touch on both of your shoulders but when you turn around, no one is there. "Calm down Alex, that was me. We are here with you but were invisible so we can touch whoever but by talking in your head, no one can hear us." "And you can think your responses so that you aren't talking to yourself, by the way." "Well, why didn't you tell me that earlier you assholes?!" "It was fun hearing you talk to yourself," Anti adds, giggling soon after. 

*Time Skip to math class*

"For fuck's sake Alex, the numbers are making my brain hurt!" "Then stop listening in. I don't understand this so Its gonna be going through my brain until I get it." You feel your pencil taken out of your hand and it begins moving on its own, you presume Blank is the one doing it since he is the only one who understands math due to his excessive engineering and tinkering. "Alex, in order to solve for b, you need to bring it up from the fraction it is currently apart of. In order to do that, you need to do the opposite. And that would be?" He awaits your response and you answer, unsure if it is correct or not,"Multiply?" "Yes," He speaks, letting out a small laugh at your tone of voice. He begins to guide your hand on the pencil, making it look like you are doing the work, and he works out the problem, explaining it as he goes on,"Do you get it now Alex?" "Yeah, I think so. Thank you, Blank."

*Time skip to Anti's place*

"Ahh, it feels good to actually talk out loud again," Dark exclaims as he sits on the couch. "It was getting pretty annoying when you guys wouldn't shut up," you roll your eyes, remembering when you were trying to get work done but they were distracting you. Anti comes down from upstairs,"Get your asses up and lets go." "Huh? Where are we going?" Blank asks, standing up from where he was currently laying on the floor. Anti turns to us and he looks like a normal human being. Icy blue eyes, shiny white teeth with no fangs, he still has the green hair though,"We're gonna go get Alex some stuff. Sure, she might be one of us but I still control her, and since she's staying here, she needs some clothes, a new phone so that no one gets worried that she isn't responding to stuff and some other things to make her feel welcome." You look at the other guys and see they look normal as well. Ethan pale skin is riddled with acne, his blue hair falling in front of his hazel eyes. Dark lets out a huff which turns your attention to him. You gaze at his red hair and chocolate brown eyes. "What? How did you do that? You look...." "Normal?" Anti interrupts your previous sentence. "I was gonna say human but normal works as well," you say as you stand up from your previous sitting position on the floor. You all walk outside and make your way down the road to a nearby shopping mall. 

*Time skip to mall*

"Okay, you two can go do whatever, I'll stay with Alex and buy her the clothes and stuff that she needs," Anti says, shooing the other two demons away. "So, what do we need to get first?" Anti asks soon after, shooting a small smile towards you. "Umm, I mean I can get my old clothes from my house so that takes care of that." "Nope. Not gonna happen. I wanna change up your look a bit. Make it a bit more like your true self,"Anti smirks as he speaks. "You mean demon-like?" You ask with a small laugh adding to it. "Exactly! Glad you agree. Let's go!" As he finishes his words, Anti grabs your arm and is dragging you to some unknown store. As you walk up, you notice the store looks familiar,"Oh! This is my favorite store for band tees!" You say as you remember the giant stuffed Pikachu you got with Bell. "Welp, we aren't here for "typical angsty teen" outfit. We're here for more....complicated items," he says as he looks through some clothes for you. You look around and realize that many of the things that aren't t-shirts seem a bit more complicated than you normally dress. Anti pulls out a black velvet crop top with a white collar and three white buttons coming from the collar,"This should be safe to start with. Now let's look for some pants or something." Anti pulls out a black skater skirt with pockets and some full body fishnets. "Anti, you know I can't wear that to school, right?" you say, noticing that his style for me was a little flashier than you would like,"Yep. We aren't just getting one outfit so some will be for school, some will be for other times, and some we can incorporate some of your current style." you shrug and let Anti do his thing. By the time you left, Anti had gotten you a plethora of items, including many pairs of combat boots and platform shoes as well as various chokers and other accessories. When you find the other two, they are in a game store and they are competing at who could win against the other. "Come on, idiots. We're leaving," you say, annoyed at how hungry you are. "We still need to go to Alex's house and get her old clothes and anything else she may want," Anti says, walking off with the others close behind.

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