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          "He said he would try to get here as soon as possible," Anti said, rolling his eyes. Dark chuckled,"He's probably just tinkering." As soon as the last word left Dark's mouth, a large blue light appeared in the living room. As fast as it had come the light left again, leaving a cyborg looking man who seemed to have lost half of his face. "You called?" He asked with a smirk. He was slightly attractive, but he was also a FUCKING DEMON! "Yes. We need you to look at this girls genetics. We think she may be one of us," Dark said rolling his eyes at the man. The cyborg walks over to you and looks you in the eyes. Quickly his eyes turn a vibrant blue color and a whirring noise comes from somewhere in his body,"She seems to have had some sort of demon in her blood at some point. Looking doesn't seem right..." Your eyes widen,"What? What is it?" The cyborg looks at Anti and Dark and then glance back at you. "There is at least one demon in every generation on your dad's side of the family..." the cyborg says, his eyes changing back. Anti's eyes widen and he looks at the cyborg,"Blank, how accurate is your scanning?" "As accurate as it gets..." Blank replied. You backed up and sat down on the couch, shaking your head slightly,"So...I' of you?" They all nod their heads. After a bit of silence, Blank speaks up,"Hey, at least we get to teach you how to use your powers and shit!" You look up up at Anti,"Who is this guy anyway?" You ask, pointing at Blank. "He is a friend of ours. Part demon, part cyborg, he is one of the most powerful of us. And he's also really handy when it comes to fixing things," Dark says, making all eyes go to him. Blank looks at you and nods his head slightly. "Well, if there is nothing else to do then let's get started on learning how my powers work," You say quietly. You are still a bit confused by the whole situation but you manage to push that aside.

Time Skip

"Focus on something that makes you really angry," Dark says, leaning against the side of the building. You begin to think about this whole situation. Being kidnapped, being part demon. It makes you confused yet furious at the same time. Slowly, you feel a tingling feeling go down to your fingertips and toes. You begin to look around and notice that you are slightly raised off of the ground and a bit of a purple haze surrounds you. In awe of what is happening, you become less furious, making all of it vanish. "Woah, that was...progress," Anti said looking around like a child. As you look up, you notice that objects have been thrown into trees and other high places, all because of you. Blank walks up to you and pits his arm around your shoulder,"It seems like your gonna be a powerful demon. A lot more powerful than those two," he says, pointing towards Dark and Anti who yell back."Fuck off you blue headed asshat!" Blank gives a little chuckle and walks towards the building. Looking at the back of his head, you begin to think about the blue haired cyborg...
Sorry for the long wait but its FINALLY HERE!! I brought in Blank (Crankgameplays evil persona) and i will maybe add a bit of drama in with Blank and Anti -3- I appreciate any positive feedback!! Thank you all so much for reading! And i will see you, in the next chapter. BUH-BYE!

What Do You Want from Me?// Anti x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now