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"Who was that guy? What money was he talking about?" Bell asked while pulling me back to her car. "I don't know who he is. I was a witness to one of his robberies. He handed me the money out of the cash register and took off," I said plugging my phone into the AUX cord. Bell sighed and began driving me home. "I-I uhm... Don't really feel safe in my own house s-so could I stay at yours?" I ask feeling slightly awkward. Bell keeps her eyes on the road as she speaks,"Yeah, my mom doesn't give a damn." I smile and slowly fall asleep.

What Time is It? TIME SKIP!!

I wake up in Bell's bed and slowly sit up. I look around and see a tan colored fluff on the other side of the room,"SIMBAAA!!" I yell running over to the fluff. Simba looked up and meowed at me, walking towards me at the same time. "You're gonna wake the whole house if you don't shut the hell up!" I look towards the door and see Bell walk from the bathroom with wet hair,"Go take a shower so we can get to school on time. I'll let you borrow some of my clothes." I put Simba down and I go quickly take a shower. Once I get out, I walk into Bell's closet and grab the first thing I can see. I walk out in a pair of black skinny jeans, a band tee, and a red and black flannel on. "Damn girl! Lookin good," Bell said in a funny voice. I walk to the door and pull on my all black converse and grab my bag. "Okay let's go."

The school was in sight so Bell pulled into the parking lot and turned it off. I get out of the car and was about to walk with Bell before something caught my eye. "You go on Bell, I'll catch up later." Bell said an 'Okay' and left. I turn around to the woods and slowly make my way into the sea of green. I bent my knees to keep balance and stay alert and steady on the uneven land. I suddenly hear a loud cracking noise behind me. I turn around to see dark green hair, then black.....


Sorry for such a short chapter! I hope to get back into this story and start updatin

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