The Guy With Green Hair

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I sit on the edge of my bed, still thinking about that man from last night. What if he comes back? What if he sneaks into my room and kills me while I'm sleeping? My thoughts were interrupted by a buzz. I pick up my phone to see a text from my best friend.
Bell: Hai, wyd
Alex: Nothing much -.-
Bell: Do you wanna meet up at the mall and talk for a bit? Maybe shop some?
Alex: Uhhh.... Yea sure let's meet there in an hour
Bell: Otayz!

I put my phone on charge and look through my closet for something to wear. I spotted a dress that had a lace neck and sleeves with NIRVANA written on it. They were one of my favorite bands so why not?
(^^Dress up top^^)
After putting on enough makeup to just cover up my dark circles and small amount of acne, I slipped on the dress and left my hair in its natural state. Soon enough I was leaving my apartment.


"Hey Bell! I feel like I haven't seen you in forever!" I say pulling her in for a hug. She just giggles and points behind me,"It seems like you have an admirer." I turn around and see a man with a hoodie covering his face staring right at me. I poke Bell in the sides making her fidget since she is so ticklish. "Lets just go to Hot Topic," I say grabbing her arm and pulling her to my favorite store in the entire mall.

          Once we got in Hot Topic, I looked behind me to see the same man still following behind us. Maybe he could be that man from the other night? No, that's ridiculous. I start looking at some Rick and Morty merch before I feel a tap on my shoulder. I turn around and see Bell holding a Totoro plushie. "You and your goddamn stuffed animals," I say rolling my eyes. I go back to looking at Rick and Morty merch until I spot a giant yellow blob from the corner of my eye. I run over to it and see a GIANT PIKACHU PLUSHIE,"I NEED THIS!"  "Alex, you don't have that kind of money," Bell said looking at Fairy Tail merch. I count all of my money but then remembered about the money that that weird man gave me. I pull that out and in total I had $573. Holy shit! I pick up the pikachu and waddle over to the counter and pay for it, which it was $68. I carry the pikachu around happily until I see a tuft of dark green hair,"Did you miss me? Looks like you used the money I gave you." He then winked and walked away. Bell looked at me,"What the fuck?" I just shake my head and continue walking.
If you don't have hot topic where you live it is basically a store that sells band merch, anime merch and stuff like that

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