What Are You?

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You woke up the next day and stared at the wall blankly. You thought back to the events of the previous day and shivered. "Bakura..." you thought. You hoped that everything that happened had been a dream, but you remembered falling asleep last night. You got up and slowly got ready for school. You really didn't want to go but you knew that you would have to. You wanted to see Bakura and talk to him. But at the same time you were scared. You knew that something was wrong about him and that he would only bring you trouble, but that somehow intrigued you. You wanted to learn more about him. "Maybe he's just bi-polar..." you thought. You walked into class early somehow and saw Bakura motioning for you to come over to him. It wasn't sweet and adorable Ryou though. It was his Yami as you had recently learned he was called. You got the feeling that you should go but you were too frightened to and decided to go talk to Duke. You walked up to him and as he glanced up he grinned at you. "Hey there ____," he laughed to himself. "I knew you would come to your senses eventually. You were snapped out of your fear while you felt Bakura's eyes burning into your back. "What do you mean?" you turned to Duke. He laughed, "Look ____, I like you a lot..." you saw him blush for probably the first time in your life. “Will you be mine?" he looked nervous and you didn't know that was possible. "I-I... Umm..." you blushed back but you felt a strong hand rest on your shoulder. You turned around and looked up to see Bakura, and he looked mad. "I'm sorry Duke but I must be stealing _____ at the moment." Before you could say anything Bakura had taken your hand in his and pulled you to his desk. He told you to sit down next to him and you did as you were told. You sat in silence for a few moments until you thought out loud, "Bakura... Why?" you suddenly realized that you had spoken out and you covered your mouth. He turned to look right into your (e/c) eyes and smirked. He placed a finger under your chin so you had to look at him. "I can't tell you that just yet." then he released your chin and let it fall so you were staring at the ground. You don't know why but you just snapped, you were two confused and whenever you asked a question his answer only left more unanswered questions. "Please explain! I don't care what you want with me but what's with you and Ryou?" He chuckled, "You’re lying, and I know you care what I want with you. But as for my host, I can explain that later. Meet me after school. I'll come to your place." You wondered how he knew where you lived and you were about to deny but you didn't really want him coming over but you knew you didn't have a choice. Anyways, you wanted to know about him. "Fine..." you agreed. "Well I'll see you later then my dear." he smiled and started to walk away when you called after him, disturbing the class. "I told you not to call me that." you glared at him. He turned around and winked at you, "I'll call you whatever I want to call you my pet." Your body tensed up as he walked away and you were left alone. You heard a soft voice come from behind you. "Are you alright ____?" you spun around to see Yugi looking back at you. "Yeah I'm fine." you smiled and he walked away nodding. Another voice came and you recognized it, it was Joey. "So what's going on with you and that Bakura dude?" "I hope it's nothing..." your answer confused him but he shook it off. "Well if he gets outta line just call me and I'll take care of him for ya!" he started punching the air and you laughed at him. He was really stupid sometimes but he was like your brother, and he was your best friend. He noticed you laughing and frowned but shook it off and walked away again. For the rest of the day you could feel dark chocolate brown eyes studying you from behind, but you ignored it every time. Time skip!!!! Your doorbell rung and you felt your stomach twist into knots. You walked to your door reluctantly, “I shouldn’t have let him come…” you thought to yourself. As you came up to the door you sighed and slowly unlocked it and turned the knob. Bakura was leaning against the doorframe and grinning at you. “Why hello there, my dear ____.” You rolled your eyes at him calling you dear again and suddenly changed your mind, you didn’t want him there. You attempted to shut the door in his face but he pushed it back, his grin never fading. “It won’t be that easy to get rid of me. You know that ____.” You got nervous as you heard his words but tried not to show it. He pushed past you and walked into your apartment. You closed the door behind him and slowly led him over to your couch and sat down. He sat down right next to you and his face got serious. “So you want to know about Ryou and me, right? You nodded and returned the serious expression, “So are you guys the same person? Because I’m sorta confused on that part.” You asked without thinking. He laughed silently and looked at you so that his dark brown eyes were burning into your (e/c) ones. “I am as much Ryou as he is me. We are different souls but sadly we have to share a body…” he sighed. “What are you…?” you stood up and backed away a couple of feet. He laughed darkly and followed your movements. As you continued to back up he continued to get closer to you. “Simply put, I am an evil spirit that resides in Ryou’s millennium ring. I used that to get into his body and he is currently my host.” You continued backing up but you were almost out of space, “So you are just using his body to get what you want is that it?!” you snapped. A wrong move… it motivated Bakura and he came closer towards you. There was no more room left to move as your back hit the wall. You closed your eyes but you could feel as your hands were raised above your head and pinned against the wall with one of his hands. You opened your eyes to see Bakura giving you an evil smirk. He slid his mouth against your ear and whispered into it angrily, “I’ll teach you not to speak back to your master. Look at how weak and defenseless you are. Now that I think about it, I could really do whatever I wanted to with you right now…” he grinned but you just glared at him. “One, you are not my master, stop treating me like I belong to you, I’m not your slave. And two, get off of me you creep…” this only motivated him further and he slid his lips softly against your neck, causing you to whimper out of fear. You felt his smirk against your neck and you growled. He looked up at you, “Are you scared yet? Maybe this will teach you to listen to me, my pet.” He got off of you and turned around as he started to walk out of your apartment. He left you and shut the door, leaving you completely unsure of what you were going to do.

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