You Will Be Mine

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You were sitting across from Marik at a table staring at the floor while he stared at you. “So_____, I guess I should tell you.” He laughed and you just glared back at him. “Tell me about what?” you spat. He grinned, “You’re different than most people _____. As you saw before you can do things that no one else can. This power that you have… is incredible, no invincible… And I would like for you to work with me… to help me take over the world.” Your eyes narrowed and you were thinking. You knew you obviously had power, that or you were dreaming. But it was too real, all of it. You knew that he wasn’t lying too. You had even seen it with your own eyes. And there was evidence too. The charred room and the shattered fragments of the doorknob scattered all over the floor, both proof that it had actually happened. You turned your head back to Marik only to see him waiting for a response. You had just realized that he was basically asking you a question. “I would never help you,” you replied harshly with a glare to top it off. Marik only chuckled darkly in return, “You can choose not to but it doesn’t matter. You’re going to help me whether you like it or not.” You shook your head, staying silent. Then something struck your mind, “And Bakura? He only wanted me for this power too?” you asked. “Why of course. But why would you care?” his face changed into a mix of amusement and something like… “Jealousy…?” you thought. “Oh right! You like Bakura!” he teased you. “When did I ever say that?” you questioned. Marik scoffed, “You didn’t. I can just tell…” he gave you a disappointed look before grinning. “But you probably won’t be seeing him again so that doesn’t matter…” You shot up from the chair, “What do you mean Marik?” “You couldn’t possibly believe that I would let Bakura have you, could you?” He asked. “My power is in my control and you can’t make me help you.” You exclaimed. “Oh are you so sure about that? You don’t even know how to control your powers. And I think I should show you my millennium rod again…” he pulled out the golden rod that you had seen earlier and held it in front of him. “With this I have the power to make anyone my personal mind slave. In other words, I can completely control anyone I want to. But I’d love it if you would do this willingly. Your power isn’t the only thing I want from you. I want you _____.” He stood up and circled the table until he was standing directly behind you. He grabbed both your forearms in his hands and pressed himself against your back. “We can take over the world together _____. As long as you just agree… Only one little word ______. That’s all you have to say.” He leaned against you further and his lips gently brushed the edge of your ear. “Just say yes _____.” Shivers raced down your spine and you pulled away from his grasp. “Never,” you stated simply. He took a step towards you, causing you to step back. “I love you _____, and you can’t escape me. Bakura doesn’t care about you at all, so come with me. He held out his hand for you to take. You only slapped it away at the memory of Bakura telling you that he loved you coming back to you. “That’s not true Marik.” You growled. He laughed back in response, “Oh really? Then why isn’t he here, my dear? You’re mine now.” He grinned before grabbing your hand and dragging you into a room with him, his bedroom to be exact. “What the hell does he think he’s doing?!” you panicked a little as he threw you into the room. He stepped inside and locked the door behind him. He turned around and gave you a devious grin which made you back away as far as you could. He eyed you closely, watching your every movement. You barely moved, and you were hardly breathing. You were terrified and didn’t dare take your eyes off of him for a second. Unlike you expected he only went to bed. You sat down against his wall but still refused to close your eyes. Time was passing slowly and you were getting really tired. Your eyelids started to feel like lead weighing down and you tried your best to keep them open. Over time you gave in and sleep took you over. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~Your eyes fluttered open as you heard a noise from outside of the room, a door opening and then some footsteps. You glanced over at Marik who was completely asleep in his bed. Fear took hold of you and you didn’t really know what to do. You sunk into the corner and tried to blend into the shadows the best you could. The footsteps grew louder and then stopped right outside of the door. You held your breath and bit your bottom lip, hoping whoever it was wouldn’t come in. Suddenly the door crashed down and Marik sprung out of his bed while you crouched further into the corner. Some dim light flowed into the room and you saw the outline of white hair standing up in different directions. “Bakura…” you whispered. His head snapped over to you and his eyes filled with rage. You had never seen him so angry before but for some reason you were completely relieved to see him, even like that.     Bakura's POV:                                                      I knocked down the door. I had finally been able to track down Marik’s exact position using my millennium ring and find ______. After she ran away, a couple hours later I got a phone call from Yami. I was reluctant to pick up but I decided to anyways. Thank god I did. He told me about what happened to _____. And I hate to admit it but if it weren’t for Yami I could have found her too late. I saw Marik jump up and the room stayed silent until I heard a quiet voice whisper my name, filled with relief. I turned to see _____ crouching in the shadows in the corner, in Marik’s room. She was alone, locked in a room with him… “What the hell was he doing?!” I thought to myself. The thoughts I was having completely filled me with anger. _____ is mine and he better back off of her right away.        Back to Your P.O.V.:                     Bakura shouted, “Marik! What the hell were you doing?” Marik rubbed his eyes and sat up unentertained. You saw the sheets slide down and noticed that he was shirtless, and he looked pretty good. You tried to shake those thoughts away and watched the two boys. “Oh, a little of this, a little of that.” He grinned and you saw Bakura’s hands clench into fists as he stalked towards Marik who was standing up now. “Okay, okay! Relax I didn’t do anything to her!” You scoffed, “Yeah, nothing…” sarcasm was heavy in your voice. Bakura’s head turned to Marik again angrily. “I’ll be taking _____ now then.” He quickly walked towards you and kneeled down next to you. He wrapped one arm under your legs and another behind your back and lifted you into the air. You were taken by surprise and quickly placed your arms around his back with your face against his chest. That made him smirk and look at Marik happily. Marik walked in front of you guys and crossed his arms. “You will not be going anywhere,” he smiled. “_____ is staying with me, isn’t that right?” he looked at you. You froze and bit your lip, looking down. “Seems like she doesn’t want to Marik.” Bakura grinned, “She wants to come with me.” You hugged Bakura, afraid of Marik’s reaction. Marik glared at Bakura and smiled at you. “Just remember, my dear, the offer is still up. Just say the word, and you be mine forever…” He whispered the last two words and it made you shake. You didn’t want to be his. You wanted to get away from him. You didn’t want to be special, if you didn’t have powers this wouldn’t be happening. “Would you like to say the word darling?” You shook your head vigorously and squeezed your lips together. You glanced up at Bakura, whose eyes were piercing into Marik’s and filled to the brim with hate. He didn’t say anything before starting to carry you out of the room. You heard Marik call after you, “As you wish, but I will be back. And you will be mine.” You could practically see the smirk on his lips and it scared you. You didn’t want to look back and you didn’t want to see him ever again. But you could tell that he was completely persistent on getting you and that that wouldn’t be the last time you would see him.

The New KidOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora