The Pharaoh

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“Get away from her!” You heard the all too familiar voice growl. You shivered. You didn’t even want to know what he was going to do to you for sneaking out, with Marik nonetheless. Marik grinned and never released his grip on you. You were frozen but Marik spoke up, “Oh but on the contrary, she came to me.” That stupid grin never left his face as he turned around so that you were both facing a very pissed off Bakura. Bakura growled again, “_______, come here, now.” You broke free of Marik’s grip and started walking towards Bakura with your head hanging to the floor. You were almost to him when you felt Marik grab your wrist from behind and pull you back. You stumbled backwards. You were scared and angry, and you were close to breaking. When Marik pulled you back something just seemed to snap inside, “Stop it! Both of you stop! I don’t belong to either of you, and I really wish you would get that into your heads!” You yelled as your usual (e/c) eyes flashed red like flames. You looked up to see them and saw Marik holding his head in pain, bent over and cursing under his breath. They both looked taken aback when you whipped your head up to see their reaction, you could see that vaguely through Marik’s pain but clearly on Bakura. Then Marik stood up and grinned. You saw that his hair was spiked up and he had a golden eye on his forehead. “Does Marik have a Yami? But he was evil already…” you thought. “______, your eyes… it seems as though you are about to find out more about your powers, you just need a little push…” He walked over until he was standing with his front side pressed against your back, Bakura eyeing him with caution the entire time. He seemed a little scared of him if anything. Marik’s Yami leaned in close to your ear and whispered, “Give into it ______, give into the anger. Let it take control. Think about how angry you are, what do you want to do?” You tried to ignore him but his words got the best of you. You closed your eyes and thought about how utterly pissed off you were at them both. You clenched your hands into fists and spun around to punch the wall. When your fist made contact with the wall fire spread out from it and shot directly upwards, cracking the wall slightly in the process. Your eyes widened as the fire continued to spread in all directions outwards. Soon it was engulfing the entire alley, but you still stood unharmed. You watched as it inched closer to you all and Yami Bakura started to get slightly nervous. “Why the bloody hell did you have to encourage her like that? You know very well that she could kill anyone she wanted to!” Bakura shouted at Marik. “Oh calm down would you? She can’t hurt us, I believe that right now we are both technically her masters, correct?” Yami Marik cocked an eyebrow. Bakura hesitantly nodded and your eyes widened slightly. “I can’t let this happen…” The flames died away all at once as though they had faded away into the air. The anger that had once flooded your entire being drained your body and you felt yourself getting weaker. As the anger left you it seemed as though it took along your energy with it and you couldn’t support yourself anymore. Your knees started feeling shaky and your hearing was cutting in and out along with your vision. Darkness started to override your eyesight and you felt yourself fall. Lean, pale arms caught you from behind and you were laid down on the ground. The last thing you saw was the cloudy sky before the only thing left was black. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ You were having a dream, or should I say nightmare. You were standing chained against a wall in a room made of sandstone bricks. You heard footsteps and your head snapped up. It was two people, one that was dressed as though he were a guard or something and the other looked exactly like Yugi’s Yami but more tanned. “My Pharaoh, this is the girl you requested found. It took us quite a while to get her but luckily we have her now.” You gave a questioning look as the so called Pharaoh replied, “Yes, the one with powers… I’m glad we found her. We have to keep her away from the Thief King. We can’t let him acquire that much power.” The guard nodded when you suddenly spoke up. “You know I’m right here right? Maybe you shouldn’t talk about me like I’m not here when I’m right in front of you.” You glared at the Pharaoh. “Don’t take that tone with the Pharaoh you stupid girl!” He pushed you to your knees. “Bow down to your superior!” You were about to make a smartass comment when the Pharaoh cut you off, “Please don’t be so rude to her.” He looked at you who was getting up at the moment. “Please excuse him. You should be a guest here. In fact I would love it if you would work for me.” He turned to the guard again, “Please unlock her.” The guard nodded and took off your shackles. You nodded at the Pharaoh who was giving you a kind smile and accepted the offer. The dream changed and you were standing behind the Pharaoh who was fighting against someone who seemed an awful lot like Bakura, but he had tanned skin and a scar going over his right eye. They were fighting with what seemed like real life duel monsters and by the looks of it the other man was winning. He wiped out the Pharaoh’s monster completely and then ran over to him, knocking him out. Then he turned to you and grinned. He grabbed you around the waist and threw you over his shoulder. You sent fire down his back causing him to throw you to the ground. “______, I missed you… why won’t you just come with me again?” “I don’t want to be used by you again!” you yelled. He gave a hurt look, “I love you ______, please come back…” ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ You woke up abruptly and shot up. You realized that you were lying in Bakura’s bed and that caused you to blush. He was sitting on the edge of the bed and spun around the second you shot up. “______ lay back down! You’re going to hurt yourself.” He crawled over to you and pushed you down by your shoulders onto the bed. He leaned over you and then softly placed his lips against your forehead. “I was so worried about you. You shouldn’t use up all of your power like that all at once.” He scolded you. “Bakura, I need to talk to you about something…” you started. “Yes, what is it?” He looked confused. “Do you know anything about… the Pharaoh?” you asked. His eyes went wide for a second, clearly surprised that you would ask something like that. Then his lips turned into a creepy sadistic grin. “I did, at one point a long time ago. Why do you ask?”

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