She Loves Me!

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A week later Ryou was feeling better but his Yami took him over again once he wasn’t sick anymore. You were currently waiting outside of the Kaiba Corp. building for Yami to come out from a duel with Seto Kaiba. After a while he came out successful and walked up to you. “You could have come in you know, if you wanted to…” You shook your head, “I didn’t exactly want to see the rich bastard…” Yami laughed at you before giving Yugi his body back. You started to walk home when Kaiba’s voice rung out behind you. “Speak of the devil…” you thought. You turned around to see him smirking, “______, when did you get here?” “I came with Yugi,” you answered simply. “Oh, well make sure to tell that mutt Joey that I said hi,” he grinned, causing you to snarl in reply. “He’s not a dog you stupid asshole!” You yelled. He put up his hands in mock defense. “Whatever…” Then he walked back into the building. Yugi had left before you so you were alone now. After a while of walking you got to Bakura’s house and opened the door. “Hey Kura,” you said only to piss him off. “I told you not to call me that…” he growled, walking around the corner from the hallway. “Oh, well too bad. I told you not to call me ‘my dear’ or ‘my pet’ but you still call me that…” you mumbled slightly irritated. “Well that’s because I’m your master and you belong to me. I don’t have to take orders from you. You on the other hand do have to take orders from me.” He said nonchalantly making you laugh a little. You had decided a while ago that it wasn’t the best idea to argue with him so you ignored the fact that he had just called you his property. “Well then what do you want master?” you asked sarcastically. “I want to take off your clothes but my guess would be that you’re too stubborn for that.” He chuckled, making your cheeks flush. “You guessed correctly…” you sighed, followed by a yawn. All you wanted to do at the moment was sleep. Your thoughts about bed were interrupted by the phone ringing loudly. You ran for it before Bakura could but only ended up getting tackled and in a fight for it. You finally gave up, deciding that someone should probably answer. As Bakura got off of you he suddenly seemed very pissed off. You rose an eyebrow at his sudden, strange behaviour but it was explained as soon as you heard him mutter, “What do you want Pharaoh?” You sat up and watched him while he talked on the phone. “So it’s Yami…” you thought as you tried to make sense of the conversation they were having, which was rather hard only being able to hear one side. After probably five or six minutes of you zoning out while Bakura talked on the phone, you heard him laugh manically and agreeing to something. Then he slammed the phone down onto the table. As much as you were scared to ask you decided to anyways, “Ummm what was that about?” Bakura turned to look at you with an insane look on his face, “It seems the Pharaoh has been rather worried about you being with me lately, though I suspect it’s something else too…” He narrowed his eyes, causing you to express your confusion. “Anyways, he said we duel. Whoever wins gets to decide what happens to you, and if I win I also get Yugi’s millennium puzzle…” “Decide what happens to me? Shouldn’t that be my choice?” you thought out loud. “Naïve little ______...” he chuckled, “Of course not.” He explained that the duel would be in a few days and that you had to come. You rolled your eyes and went to bed without saying anything because you couldn’t keep your eyes open long enough to roll them properly. ~~~ Time Skippith brought to you by your lazy author ~~~ The next morning as you were walking to school with Yugi and Ryou Bakura, you brought up the duel. “So ummm Yami wants to duel with Bakura? Why?” you asked Yugi. “I don’t really know for sure. He wouldn’t say much other than ‘having to keep you safe’… But I think there’s more to it…” He shrugged. “Oh… You should tell him he doesn’t have to worry about me… I didn’t want to bring any of you into my problems. Besides, he doesn’t hurt me anymore…”You frowned, giving off an apologetic look. As you were about to talk again you were hugged from behind and turned to see Joey with his bright smile as always. “You might not want us to get involved but we’re going to anyways! ‘Cause we’re your friends!” he shouted in your face, still hugging you. You laughed and hugged him back before letting go and walking again. “Well thank you but really, I’m okay… I just hope Yami is too. Knowing Bakura there will be some catch to the duel…” You bit your lip in thought as you approached the school. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ As you were sitting in class trying to think of things that rhyme, you felt someone tap your shoulder and spun around to see cold, blue eyes glaring at you. “Ummm Kaiba? What do you want?” He put on a fake smile, “You can call me Seto, we are friends after all…” “Umm no we’re not,” you said plainly. “So cut the act… What do you want?” you raised an eyebrow at him. He sighed and frowned again, “Fine. It seems that Yugi’s spirit has taken a liking to you for some unimaginable reason and I want to see why. You’re coming to my house after school and we will duel.” He explained. You glared at him, “Fine… I guess…” you turned around to face the front again. Now you were a little nervous. You did duel but not very much, and only against lower rank duelists. You shrugged it off and decided to skip it since you didn’t want to see him anyways. You finished up your work and then bell rang, signalling the end of the day. You picked up your books and went to your locker. After about a minute, trying to find your math textbook the locker door swung further open, revealing Marik grinning and holding your math textbook. “Oh thanks…” you smiled and reached for the book but he pulled it away. “Uh uh, if you want your book you have to kiss me,” he grinned and tilted his head to the side slightly. “Dammit, why does he have to be so cute sometimes?” you thought. “Marik, just give me the book. I have to get out of here before Kaiba finds me.” You narrowed your eyes, just hating saying the guy’s name. Marik slowly handed you the book. “Why is he looking for you?” he asked curiously. “He wants to duel me. I have no idea why though, I’m not very good…” you frowned. “Hmmm… Well then let’s go…” he said and started walking away. You closed your locker and ran after him. Now you were outside in the courtyard of your school trying not to let Kaiba see you. He was standing there scanning the crowd until his eyes fell on you. “Crap…” you thought and started walking faster, Marik at your side. Kaiba started walking at a quick pace towards you and managed to catch up to you. “Trying to skip out on me?” he asked. You sighed and stopped walking, turning around to meet his angry gaze. “Maybe…?” you replied. He grabbed you by the wrist and started pulling you away. Marik-who had been watching quietly beside you- didn’t seem to like that and stepped in front of Kaiba. “I don’t think _______ wants to go. And I won’t be letting her anyways…” he glared at Kaiba who released your wrist. “Fine… It’s not like I was really looking forward to dueling you anyways,” he spat out and started walking away. You turned to Marik, “Oh my god, thank you,” you hugged him quickly. When you went to pull away however he just pulled you back in. “You don’t really think you’re getting away with just that lame ass hug do you?” he grinned mischievously. His hands rested behind your waist and pulled you closer, leaning down slightly to kiss you. His lips brushed yours and you blushed. You wanted more but couldn’t shake the feeling of guilt off. He quickly captured your lips in a kiss and your (e/c) eyes widened before closing softly altogether. You started to kiss back against your better judgement and let him take over the kiss completely. He bit your bottom lip but you denied him access before pulling away, “Umm I-I’m sorry… I shouldn’t have done that…” You pulled out of his arms and ran away before he could say another word.                     Bakura’s P.O.V:                             After school ended I took over Ryou and went to wait in the courtyard for ______. It had been a while and that wasn’t like her, she usually came right away. I looked all over for her, figuring she must be here somewhere. I froze when I saw where she was. She was in Marik’s arms… and their lips were locked. I growled as she pulled away and ran. She was kissing Marik, not me. She should be in my arms, not his. Before I could think I had stomped over to Marik and grabbed him by the collar. “What exactly do you think you are doing with MY _______?” I shouted quietly in a threatening tone. All he did was grin, “She let me do it, and it seems she wanted to kiss me.” He chuckled, “You should really just give up Bakura… she is mine and she will be my queen. She loves me.” I felt my eye twitch as he said ‘love’. I threw him to the ground, lucky that everyone had left already before I stepped on his chest with one foot. “Stay away from _______...” My eyes gleamed sadistically. “Or I will make sure you never see her, or anything else for that matter, ever again.” That was all I said before I released him and walked away. I have to make sure that _______ stays with me. She is mine, mine and no one else’s. I need to talk to her. I really do love her… ____________________________________________

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