Teasing & Torturing

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A few days had passed since Marik had first come to Domino high school and the stress was really getting to you. You couldn’t go anywhere without him randomly popping up and it was extremely hard to get rid of him one he’s gotten you alone. You tried your best to ignore the feeling you get when you knew that both Marik and Bakura were staring at you but it was constant and you wished that they would both just leave you alone. You had been living with Bakura for those few days and he was actually very nice to you, even if it was Ryou around the house most of the time. Even if his Yami was being nice you couldn’t help but still be scared of him. Let’s face it the dude’s creepy, but your mind couldn’t stop itself from thinking about how you found his dark aura attractive in a way. It was Thursday now and you were trying your hardest to do your math work. Sadly, Marik sat right next to you in math and he refused to let you get anything done. He leaned in close to you as creepy as always and whispered in your ear. “______, I think it’s about time you came back with me… I love you…” You ignored him, which only made him more annoying. “_______, Come to my house after school tomorrow.” You rolled your eyes and scoffed, “Why would I? So that you can lock me up again? Not a chance…” He frowned but let out a slight snicker at your stubbornness. “Are you so sure that you don’t want to…? Oh don’t worry ______, when the time comes to after classes tomorrow you might just find yourself coming.” He grinned and it felt like there was a boulder inside of your stomach. You really just wanted him to leave you alone. All the other girls hated you because he wanted you, but they had no idea what he was really like. Your nervousness kept growing as you thought about his millennium rod. He could just use it on you so easily and you would be forced to do whatever he says, that didn’t exactly give you a comforting feeling. But he had said that he wanted you to obey him willingly, you were thankful he wanted it that way. He was basically giving you a choice and you weren’t about to turn that down. You ignored everything he had just said that you weren’t paying attention to, “By the way, can I please get my phone back now?” you glared harshly at him and waited for a reply. He thought about it for a moment, and soon a wicked grin flashed on his face, “I’ll give it back, if you come to my house after school tomorrow…” He gave out a loud evil laugh which caused the teacher to shush him. He shrugged and kept talking anyways. “Not that it will really matter anyways, you’re coming either way.” “If I go will you shut the hell up?” you turned to look at him out of the corner of your eye. He seemed to be amused by your attitude and just chuckled softly. “Of course dear… So you will come?” he smiled. You pretended to think about it. You put one finger under your chin and sat in silence for a moment. “Hmmm… How about… no.” You gave him the sweetest possible smile afterwards. “Anyways, I’m not allowed out of Bakura’s sight outside of school.” He gave you an eerie smile before turning towards you fully, “Well I’m sure you could always sneak out…” “And why would I want to do that?” you asked, getting more and more annoyed by the second. Marik, on your right, caught sight of Bakura who was seated against the wall on the very left of the classroom. Bakura was staring right at you two but you couldn’t see as your back was turned to him. Marik’s smile only got creepier as he leaned in closer to you, “I’ll give you a reason right now, you will understand later surely.” And with that Marik filled in all the space between you and your lips touched. You tried to pull away but your body wasn’t responding, Marik had control of it. Your eyes closed and you kissed back. Though in your head you were filled with anger, you sort of liked the kiss. It was obvious Marik could tell as you saw him smirking when you both pulled apart. You turned around in your seat to much relief to see that no one had noticed. But you missed Bakura’s death glares at Marik when you two were kissing. Marik grinned successfully as he whispered to you, “Looks like the Tomb Robber won’t be very happy about that. Remember that my offer still remains up. You can control the world and have ultimate power, if you agree to be my queen.” You rolled your eyes at him for the thousandth time that week before the bell rang loudly and everyone stood up. As the rest of the day went by you kept hearing his words in your head. And even though your mind felt like you hated him, something stronger came along in your heart when he kissed you. He left you wanting more and you fought with yourself about it. “You CAN NOT like him. That doesn’t happen. He kidnapped you, abused you, injured you… But then why am I attracted to him like this…?” ~~~~ Time skip party!!! If you are actually partying or dancing right now after reading this I consider you a friend. ~~~~ You finally walked into Bakura’s home. He slammed the door behind you loudly and you flinched. The whole walk back had been silent and he refused to talk to you. “______...” He finally spoke up. “Y-Yeah… Bakura?” you answered nervously. “You kissed Marik… You very well know that you belong to me…” You took a few steps back as you knew what was coming next. “But Bakura, Marik was-“ He cut you off. “I believe you need to be punished, pet. I am your only master and you will obey me understood?” He asked darkly. You argued, “His Millennium item can-“ You stopped, noticing his cold glare and nodded sadly, “Yes master…” You let your head drop and hang to the floor, not daring to make eye contact with him. Usually you would not have been so obedient or told him that he is not your master, but you could tell that he was mad about what happened. You didn’t want to see what he would do to you if you refused him right now. “Very well,” He took your wrist firmly in his hand and dragged you down a small staircase as the apartment had a tiny room underneath. Since you were on the bottom floor it was sort of like a basement, or a cellar. Once you were down the stairs he opened the door at the bottom and shoved you inside. Quickly he slammed the door shut and you heard the click of the lock sound. The room was engulfed in darkness, not a single light source shining through. “This isn’t so bad…” you thought as you sat up in the pitch black room. Suddenly you felt presence around you, shadows to be exact, that were circling you. They started to wrap around you around you felt as though you couldn’t breathe. After nearly suffocating they unattached themselves from you and you let in a large breath, letting the air fill your lungs. Now the shadows were racing past you and threatening speeds. You still weren’t scared but you had no idea what was going on. As one sliced through the air by your arm it went right through your skin. You let out a tiny yelp and your hand flew over where you were cut. You felt the warm liquid start to trickle out of the cut and you flinched as another shadow sliced through the arm supporting your other one. It happened again. And again. And again. And again. And again. It kept happening until you had blood running down your arms and legs. You were holding back tears and out of breath from all the screams you were trying not to let out. That’s when the door opened a crack, letting in a small amount of light. The shadows around you dissipated and you heard Bakura’s footsteps coming into the room after another creak of the door. You looked up to meet his eyes and sighed in defeat. “Have you learned your lesson, my dear? Or do you need to spend another hour in the shadow cellar?” You shook your head and stood up. It was like the shadow realm, but in a room in there, and you hated it. “Y-Yes Bakura…” You started walking over to him, “I deeply apologize for kissing Marik. I should be able to defend myself against his mind control powers…” you exclaimed with slight sarcasm, yet you tried not to make it noticeable. You had made it out of the door by then and Bakura was staring at you in shock, “You mean he made you do it?” You nodded simply in reply. “Why didn’t you tell me that before I…” he looked down at the cuts all over you and you could see the guilt dawning in his deep brown eyes. “I tried to tell you but I guess I was too scared to interrupt you…” you replied honestly. Your face hardened slightly and you looked him in the eyes, “Glad to see how much you ‘care’ about me though.” You rolled your eyes and started to walk away but he stopped you. “Let Ryou take care of you, please…” you turned around. You didn’t want another argument, so you thought you might as well do as he says. He let Ryou take over his body again and he smiled at you before gasping at your cuts. He dragged you over to the couch and made you sit down while he got some bandages. He ran back carrying them and sat down next to you. He started cleaning your wounds. “So… my Yami did this?” he asked, obviously a little scared of the answer. “Pretty much yeah…” you replied plainly. “Because Marik forced me to kiss him…” Ryou frowned, “Forced? You mean he…” you nodded, knowing what he was thinking. He was quiet for a while until he spoke up again, “My Yami really does love you _____. I know he doesn’t really show it but… trust me, he does.” You smiled a little and sighed, “Thanks Ryou…” He returned the smile and started bandaging the wounds, “I apologize for this too. I know he was just trying to be protective of you, but he has weird ways of showing his emotions. He does care though, and he doesn’t want you to get hurt… I know it sounds weird but in a way he was just trying to keep you away from Marik so you wouldn’t get hurt. But he ended up hurting you in the process…” He was finished wrapping you up. “Thank you Ryou, you really are sweet.” You leaned in and gave him a gentle kiss on the forehead. As you pulled away you met some very shocked brown eyes and a very red face. You giggled a little and said goodbye before his Yami took over him again. You knew that Ryou was right but you still couldn’t stand the fact that someone who loves you would torture you like that, because of one kiss…       Bakura’s P.O.V.:                                                 I took over my Hikari after he was “so kindly” given a kiss on the forehead by my queen. “I’m going to murder you…” I told Ryou. “W-what w-why? I didn’t do anything, I was just helping I promise!” He replied. “Yeah whatever, she’s mine. Stay away…” I growled. “You really need to stop being so possessive… it’s creepy…” I ignored him. “It’s not my fault I’m possessive! There are just too many boys who think they can just walk in and… Ugh! Think it’s about time I marked her as mine...” “________, before we go anywhere else… Come here…” I ordered. She obeyed right away and stepped over to me. “Yeah Bakura… What do you need?” she tilted her head. God she was adorable, I mean REALLY adorable. And she was even cuter when she’s confused, as I’ve said before. I brushed her (h/c) hair behind her shoulders and she stared at me curiously with the same puzzled (e/c) orbs. Without any warning I pinned her against the wall roughly and bit down on her neck, HARD.      Your P.O.V.:                                    You let out a small shriek as you were slammed into the wall. He bit down on your neck suddenly really hard and you could feel more blood run down your skin. He licked it away and left his bite mark on your neck. “Ummm… Why the hell did you just bite me?” you asked, completely lost. You walked over to the bathroom so you could see the bite mark. You shouted to him in the next room, “What exactly was the point of that?! My neck freaking hurts now!” you walked out of the bathroom with a blank expression. He grinned devilishly and you could see your blood in his teeth. “I was simply marking you, my dear.” You replied with a simple, “Huh? What for exactly…?” He laughed darkly, “I marked you, as my property. Hopefully that will warn Marik a little and those other boys…” he muttered the last part. You turned around to walk away, “For the last time, I don’t belong to you.” You felt and heard his cold breath on the back of your neck, “Are you so sure of that ______?” The walls spun and your back hit one of them. Bakura had one hand on either side of you and was eyeing you longingly. You acted completely casual, “Yup, last time I checked I belong to myself.” “Well,” he chuckled, “Check again.” You rolled your eyes yet again and sighed, not giving him a reply. “Be that way then.” And with that he had his lips slammed onto yours. After about a minute of you not kissing back he pulled away. He looked disappointed but you couldn’t care less. You were pretty pissed off at him at the moment and didn’t exactly care if you hurt his feelings. “I don’t belong to anyone,” you thought. You ducked underneath one of his arms and walked away. You made dinner and went to bed, not wanting to eat. The rest of the day was silent until you finally fell asleep. ~~~~ What’s this? Another time skip! Yaaaaaaayyyy! ~~~~ Sitting in math class the next day was the same as the last. Marik kept bugging you, Duke kept winking at you and the stares never left you. The next time Marik asked you sighed heavily, “You know what? I give up. I’ll meet you but I’m not coming to your house.” He smirked deviously, “Alright then, lets meet outside of the place where we first met.” He shrugged. You nodded and got back to work. Bakura was Ryou at the moment so he couldn’t tell what was going on and turned back to the front of the class. Joey and Duke on the other hand didn’t want to stop watching you (Woah that sounds really creepy XD). Duke sat at the front of the classroom staring back. He was giving curious looks as to what you might have just agreed with. Joey though, heard the whole thing. He was glaring at the back of Marik’s head as if he wanted it to fall off. ~~~~ I apologize for the herd of time skips… or maybe they travel in flocks? Gaggles maybe? Anyways, Time skip! ~~~~ Night had just fallen and you were at Bakura’s apartment. Bakura went to bed so you decided to sneak out then. You tried to open a window in the corner of your room only to find it locked down. You sighed, “I guess I’m going to have to go through the door…” You quietly snuck around to the front door and unlocked it from the inside. You pushed the door open and luckily it didn’t creak. You stepped through before closing it behind you and ran to the duelist arenas as quickly as you could. You arrived there finally, panting. You put your hands on your knees and soon regained your breath. You looked up to meet violet eyes and an evil grin. Marik stepped towards you as you stood up and stared at him, waiting for him to speak. In the meantime you shivered at the thought of what Bakura might do if he found out that you snuck out with Marik. But then again, that was one of the reasons you snuck out anyways, to get away from him. “_______, are you going to accept my offer?” he asked, holding out his hand to you. You thought about it for the first time. You didn’t want Bakura to hurt you like he did and you really weren’t in a good position with him. “Maybe Marik is the better choice?” You thought. “But Marik might hurt me worse than Bakura would…” You thoughts were interrupted when Marik noticed the bite on your neck. “Oh the bastard marked you did he? He’s that serious… Well this will be even better for me then.” You didn’t really understand him fully but you decided to take his hand. Right as you placed yours on top of his he grabbed it and pulled you into his arms. “Smart choice ______...” He cooed. You placed your head on his chest and wrapped your arms around his back. It actually felt sort of… nice. Your eyes closed in Marik’s embrace, but four words quickly made them snap open again. “Get away from her!”

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