Yami Marik's Ending

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I choose…” You opened your eyes slightly, looking around. You were going to say Marik but you weren’t too sure about that choice. You decided to play it safe and sighed, “Yami…” (Don’t worry) You saw expressions around you change drastically from extremely happy to disappointed to really pissed off. Yami came over to you with a smile that you half-heartedly returned as everyone else left the arena. Before you could take his hand that was offered to you a loud yell interrupted. “No!” You turned away from Yami to see Marik who was staring at Yami in anger. He stumbled back a few steps, losing his balance as he gripped his head in pain. You backed away a bit, aware of what was going on. Your eyes widened as he stood up straight and stared at you with his eyes narrowed. He started walking towards you but Yami stepped in front. “I believe the deal was that she got to pick. Leave now, Yami Marik.” Yami defended you. “Stupid imbecile! She doesn’t want to be with you. Do you actually want to be with the Pharaoh, ______?” You didn’t say anything; you just continued to stare at the ground. “That’s what I thought.” He smirked. “You’re just afraid of me aren’t you?” You looked at him slightly, and then turned away. “Never.” He sighed, “So stubborn. But I guess that’s why I like you…” He picked Yami up by his collar and threw him across the room, causing his to slam his head against the wall and be knocked unconscious. Your (e/c) eyes widened. “Yami!” You glared at him. “What’s wrong with you?!” you yelled in a complete rage. He snickered. “Oh ______, _______, _______. You know you can’t hide anything from me. I know I scare you, and frankly I don’t care. But you don’t have to be afraid… there’s no way I’m going to hurt you, as long as you just agree to be mine.” He shot an eerie smile at you and it sent shivers down your spine. You grabbed your forearm and stared him straight in his dark violet eyes. “Even if I did become yours, there’s no way I would ever trust you. You’ve hurt me and my friends enough already, so why don’t you just leave?” you snapped at him. You saw a hurt expression pass along his face before he grinned. “Alright, ______,” he snickered. Before you could react, he had you grabbed by your waist and he was carrying you bridal style with one arm out of the arena. You punched him in the chest. “Put me down you creep!” you yelled angrily at him whilst hitting him. He grabbed both your arms with his one that was free and glared down at you. “Not a chance.” He stated quickly and continued carrying you to his home. You pouted and sighed while you rocked back and forth in Yami Marik’s arm from the movement of walking. Finally arriving at his house, he kicked open the door and walked inside. As he set you down he shut the door. Before you could walk away from him he grabbed your wrist and flung you against the wall. Quickly climbing against you he pressed his forehead against yours and stared you in the eyes. He had your hands pinned to your sides against the white wall of his house. He had mischief and hurt in his eyes at the same time, and it was quite easy to see what he was feeling at that moment. He was mad, not at you and not at the pharaoh, but mostly mad at himself. He couldn’t get you to love him, when his hikari had made it happen so easily. “I know that you love my hikari…” he started. “You were going to choose him, weren’t you? But you were too afraid…” You shook your head, denying the fact that you could be scared, when deep inside you knew it was true. “I know it, _______, don’t lie to me. You were too afraid… of me.” You looked towards the ground, not daring to look in his eyes since you knew that if you did all your emotions would come flowing out of you like a river. You shook your head once again, (h/l) (h/c) hair bobbing along with it. He gently placed his hand underneath your chin and got you to look at him. “I know the truth… but you don’t have to be scared of me… I-I…. I love you _____! I didn’t know it was possible, but I do! And I want you to be mine… forever.” You felt your heart beat increase in your chest as your cheeks became a deep red color. “So… say yes?” he asked quietly, staring into your (e/c) eyes. You nodded your head, finally understanding that it wasn’t Marik you had the feelings for, you were in love with his Yami since the first time you encountered him. “Yes…” you whispered. He smiled and took your hand in his. Leaning down his lips hovered over yours for a brief moment before crashing down onto yours. You could feel his passion burning for you in every second of the kiss, and you loved it, almost as much as you loved him.

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~ Your Future: Yami Marik finds a way to separate from Marik’s body and they do it. Finally becoming his own person, he waits for you to graduate high school and afterwards you both get married and move to Egypt. You become his dark queen and he takes over the world. At the age of 27 you have a son. And two years later you have a daughter (names are up to you!). And you can make up the rest of your story together with Yami Marik!

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