Another New Guy

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You glanced up at Bakura was currently running away from Marik’s with you in his arms. “Umm… You know you could put me down… if you want to…” He looked down at you and smirked, “Oh but then how would I be able to make sure that you don’t run away from me again? You tend to have a habit of doing that.” You didn’t say anything mainly because he was right. You knew that Marik wasn’t running after you but you were sure that he would be back. You were now in front of Bakura’s apartment again and he set you down to unlock and open the door but he never let go of your wrist. Once the door was open he threw you inside and walked in behind, locking the door again. “Listen ______. I’m not going to hold you as a slave as Marik did. You are free to leave anytime you want to, but I must come with you. I don’t want him to hurt you again.” You looked at the floor but nodded anyways. You saw Bakura’s hand come up to your face and you flinched before realizing that he wasn’t going to hit you. He gave you a confused expression but continued to gently lay his hand on your cheek. You blushed as he brushed your (h/c) locks out of your face with his other hand. His face slowly came closer to yours until they were only an inch apart. You wanted to move but his eyes held you in place and it felt like you were in some sort of trance. Soon your noses were touching and Bakura shut his eyes, resting his forehead against yours. You mirrored his movements and let him fill the gap between you. You let him kiss you but you took a while to kiss back, only after him fiercely growling at you did you move your lips with his. You had to admit that you were pretty mad at him, even if he had saved you. You broke apart the kiss, “Bakura… Marik told me…” He looked at you completely lost, “What did Marik tell you about dear?” You sighed, “My powers, what I can do, why he wants me, why you want me…” “Oh so you know now…” Bakura frowned, “What exactly did Marik say I wanted you for though?” “He said you only wanted me so that you could take over the world… Is that true? He said you didn’t care about me…” “That bloody little…” he trailed off, “______, I love you. I mean at first my intentions weren’t…” he stopped. “Weren’t what?” you glared at him. Before you knew it you were on the floor. Bakura was on top of you eying you hungrily. You laid there completely unfazed but angry. "I told you to explain, I won't tell you again. Now stop it with these games, I'm really not in the mood for your teasing." He only shook his head and chuckled darkly, "But I do quite enjoy these games _____. Anyways, who said I was teasing?" Your (e/c) eyes widened slightly before returning to a calm demeanor. "What do you want with me? I know you don't care about me, don't try to lie. You just want me for my power." Your calm gaze turned into an icy glare. Bakura’s expression softened and he moved slightly away from you but he was still on top, “_______, you know that’s not true… I really do love you it’s just… When I was looking for you, I was only interested in your power. But then I met you and… I don’t know how to explain it. You are probably the only thing that has ever made me truly happy before, I don’t want to lose that. It is true that I still want to take over the world but…” He leaned in close to you again so that his lips were gently touching your ear. “I want to do it with you. Be my queen?” You felt dark red rise to your cheeks but before you could respond Bakura’s lips were on yours again. Finally you closed your eyes and gave in. You felt Bakura smirk into the kiss as he moved down to your neck. His tongue slid up your neck and to your jaw. He kissed along your neck until you let out a little moan. “Found your soft spot have I? How cute.” He grinned and went directly for it, sucking on it fiercely as you tried your hardest not to make any noise but failed miserably. After about five minutes of this Bakura backed away and stood up. “I forgot, you must be tired… If you want I can take you to a room now.” You nodded and stood up behind him following him down the short hallway into a room. He motioned to a door and you went inside. The walls were painted light blue and everything looked very neat. You noticed a small bed in the corner of the room. You turned around to thank Bakura but he wasn’t there. You shrugged and closed the door before falling onto the bed and immediately falling asleep. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ You woke up and tried to sit up. That was until you felt arms around your waist tighten their grip. “Bakura you perv!” You turned around in his arms so you were facing him with an angered expression. “Oh calm down. You really have no idea how adorable you are when you’re angry though, do you?” he grinned at you and kissed your nose. “Yeah, yeah whatever…” you broke out of his arms and stood up. “We have to go to school, I don’t care if I’m in trouble or not there’s no way I’m missing it.” Bakura simply nodded and stood up. He walked out of the room and threw you some of your clothes. “How did you get these?” you yelled at him down the hallway. “Marik kind of broke your door down, remember dear?” You blushed slightly but shook it off, “You can’t seriously like him?” the reasonable voce in your head spoke, “He kidnapped you! But then again I guess he did rescue you too…” You argued with yourself while you got dressed and brushed out your (h/l) (h/c) locks. When you were ready for school you grabbed your backpack (which Bakura had also gotten for you along with other stuff) and followed Bakura out of the front door and to the school. Time skip!!! Yay! You were sitting in class looking extremely bored . You had noticed that Bakura had started acting like Ryou but you knew that it was his Yami who was really there. You were staring into thin air when you felt a hand rest on your shoulder. You spun around to see Joey, “Are you okay _____?” you nodded and turned around again to face the board. The teacher stopped mid-sentence when a knock sounded on the door. “Oh he’s here! Late though… I wonder why…” she walked over to the door to expose a tanned boy in a purple crop top. You facepalmed and looked to the front of the class emotionless as he winked over at you. “This can’t be happening…” you thought to yourself. You heard girls all over the class, “He’s so cute!” “Look at the new dude, he’s really hot!” “Who’s the new kid?” The teacher answered their questions, “Everyone, this is Marik Ishtar. He has moved here from Egypt and I hope that you will treat him with the upmost respect. You nervously glanced next you to see that the only available seat was right next to you. The teacher pointed Marik to that spot as you panicked on the inside. You glanced across the classroom at Bakura who looked completely enraged. Marik took his seat beside you and leaned over to whisper in your ear, “I told you I would be back…” you froze in that position as he pulled away. He quickly slid his hand over yours which was on your desk and your head snapped up to his. “Finally, you look at me my dear ______.” You shook your head and faced the teacher who seemed to be noticing nothing. Marik pulled away his hand leaving behind a note that read, “Meet me by your locker after this class ends.” You read it and shook your head, “Like I would…” You whispered but you had to go there anyways so you didn’t know what to do. Bakura’s P.O.V. “I can’t believe that bastard actually came here…” I thought. I looked over to see him whispering something in her ear and I felt my anger flare up. Then he grabbed her hand. “That’s it, I swear if you do one more thing I’ll-“ He removed his hand from hers and I relaxed. But I couldn’t ignore the fear present on ______’s face. Joey’s P.O.V “Wow this dude s earning a lot of attention from the ladies…” I shrugged and looked at him sitting next to _____. First thing he does he’s whispering something to her, “What is he doing?” I thought. He pulled away which made me happy but immediately his hand was laid on top of _____’s. I saw her shuffle uncomfortably and I glared at the new Marik kid. I caught a small part of what he was saying, “-At me my dear _____.” I saw her shake her head as he finally pulled his hand away. “Did he just call _____ my dear? Do they know each other or something? She didn’t look happy about that though…” Thoughts raced through my mind as I saw _____ reading a note, but I couldn’t see what it said. I ignored it for the rest of class until the bell rang and the first thing ______ did was come up to me as Marik left the class. Back to your P.O.V. “Hey Joey, would you mind coming to my locker with me?” you asked. You were thinking about asking Bakura but you didn’t want a war. And you knew that Joey wouldn’t let anything happen to you because you were best friends. You didn’t feel the same way he did towards you but you still thought of him as your best friend. Joey quickly nodded, “Sure thing.” You both started walking to your locker when Joey noticed your worried expression. “Hey ______, are you sure you’re alright? I mean you’re usually so happy and full of energy. You put on your best fake smile, “Yeah I’m fine don’t worry.” You lied but Joey knew you too well for that. “I’m not buying it!” Suddenly he started tickling you which he knew you hate, “Now fess up! Tell me what’s wrong.” You couldn’t stop laughing long enough to give a proper reply, not that you were planning on telling the truth. “I-haha-told you- ahaha- n-nothing’s- hahah-wrong…” You broke into a fit of laughter and Joey still didn’t believe you. So he decided to keep tickling you. “Umm…” A voice with an accent broke up the tickling war. Joey turned with you in his arms to look at the blonde Egyptian. You just then realized that you were by your locker. Joey removed his arms from you as Marik glared harshly at him. “You can leave now, your presence won’t be necessary.” Marik gave Joey a slightly threatening look. Joey rolled his eyes, “Look I know you think you’re big stuff but ______ asked me to come here so I don’t plan on leaving.” Marik’s glare turned to you and you heard yourself say, “Joey, leave now…” Your hand covered your mouth and you looked up shocked at Marik who was grinning at you with the millennium rod in his hand. You thought, “Did he just make me say that?” you turned to apologize to Joey but he was gone. Marik backed you up into the lockers and put one of his arms against them. “That was just a small display of my power, darling. You will do as I say from here on out, or else, I will make you.” A devilish grin appeared on his face but quickly he was shoved aside by someone. You looked up to see raven black hair and green eyes boring into Marik’s purple ones angrily. “Looks like ______’s not really happy to see you right now. Maybe come back when you’ve learned how to treat a girl.” Marik simply turned and brushed away Duke with his hand. “Well then, I’ll see you later love…” Marik snickered and Duke turned to you. “Are you alright? Why didn’t you pick up your phone when I called you yesterday?” You thought back to Marik taking away your phone. “Marik has it…” you explained. “Why?” he asked, one of his eyebrows cocked. “Long story…” you said tiredly before grabbing your books and walking away.


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