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You were at school again and it was lunch time. You sat down at a table next to Yugi and Tristan. Bakura was sick and missing school so he wasn't there. You were joking around with Tristan and Joey when Marik caught your eye. He was sitting at a table alone, eyeing you closely. You ignored his stares and turned back to Yugi. In class afterwards you were sitting beside Marik and shifting uncomfortably again. "Please _____. I didn't mean to, it was Melvin..." you were assuming that's what he called his Yami. "Whatever Marik. I don't care anymore... He just… scares me..." you admitted. "______, I won't let him hurt you..." You nodded yet still felt a little scared. You tried to work and ended up finishing all of it right before the bell rang for class to end. You hopped up and ran to your locker. You were going to run home to take care of Ryou. As you were closing your locker Yugi showed up beside you, making you sweat-drop. "Hey..." you started. You saw that Yugi's eyes were narrower and he was taller than you. Then it clicked that it was Yami. "... Yami..." "Hello _____." "Why are you here? This isn't a card game." you let out a small laugh, teasing him. "Yeah, yeah. Whatever..." he grinned and you rolled your eyes. "So what did you need?" you asked. "I have detention and Mr. (Some teacher) is making me organize the library. Wanna help?" "How did you get detention?" you questioned, putting emphasis on the word 'you'. "Let's just say he really hates Duel Monsters... Duke has it too..." A grimace made its way to his face. "Well okay then. But I was going to help Ryou, he's sick." You mentioned. "Please ______?" he frowned. "No one else will do it." You sighed and shook your head, "Fine..." you gave up. Yami smiled and started leading you to the library where you met up with Duke.                            Yami's P.O.V.:                                      I got ______ to come help me. I have to get her away from Marik and Bakura. It's obvious they want her powers but I can't let that happen. We were walking into the library and caught sight of Duke. He winked at _______ and grabbed her hand. I couldn’t really help but feel myself tense up at that. Ever since I hugged ______ I’ve been feeling nervous around her, but I just want to protect her even more now.    Back to your P.O.V.:                                You pulled away from Duke and walked over to Yami who was already putting books away that were on the tables or carts. You pulled a few books out from a cart and moved beside Yami to help put the books away. It was silent for a while until Duke came over and started flirting with you. You scoffed and Yami glared slightly but you didn’t know why. “Why don’t you save it lover boy? It’s obvious she doesn’t like you so leave her alone.” You smiled and Yami turned around to smile back. Duke growled but out on a smirk, “Whatever you say… But I had no idea how you felt before…” he laughed and then left to go put away books. You were confused now. You looked at Yami for an answer but he went back to stacking books and it looked like he had a small… Blush?! “No ______, don’t even think like that there’s no way…” you thought. But sure enough when you glanced over he had a slight tint of pink dusting his cheeks. You ignored it and went to grab more books. As you got an armload of books and was walking around corners trying to make your way to the fantasy section you tripped on a book on the floor. All the books you were previously carrying flew into the air and you tumbled over. Right before you hit the ground a hand grabbed your arm and pulled you up. You looked up from the ground to see Yami only a couple inches away from your face. You blushed and fell backwards again, onto your bottom this time. You laughed nervously as you landed on all the books. You started to get up and pick up the books while Yami watched you curiously. You put them away and came back to see that they were almost done. You felt uncomfortable then so you spoke up. “I-I’m going to check on R-Ryou now s-so… Yeah… bye…” You quickly turned on your heel and ran out the door to see Ryou before Yami could say a word. ~~~ Time skippity! ~~~ You unlocked and opened the door to Bakura’s apartment. You saw Ryou bundled up in blankets on the couch coughing. And it was the most adorable thing you’ve ever seen. “Hey Ryou…” You said softly as you moved over to sit on a chair next to him. “Hey _____...” he breathed out through a stuffy nose. “How you feeling? Any better?” you asked quietly. “A little bit I think. Bloody Bakura had to finally give me back my body when I get sick…” he made an annoyed face. “Awww… I’ll yell at him for you later, kay?” you smiled before laughing. “Okay, just don’t get yourself killed.” He smiled slightly. “I’ll try not to,” you grinned. You brought your knees up so that your face was resting on them and then rubbed Ryou’s head. His face flushed suddenly so you stopped, “Is this okay?” “Y-yeah…” he smiled so you continued. You closed your eyes and ended up falling asleep next to him.

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