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Seeing his sadistic smile you decided not to ask him about it. Maybe you would ask Yami about it, or even Marik… “No stop thinking about him…” you told yourself. “Umm… No reason. Just some stupid dream…” you replied. A thought popped up in your head, “Hey, what happened to Marik before I passed out? Why did he change?” you asked. Bakura sighed heavily, “Marik also has a Yami… a psychotic one…” He shook his head and looked at the ground. “Oh as if you aren’t psychotic,” you teased. He laughed a little and looked at you. “Yes well Marik’s Yami comes out when he gets mad and will stay until Marik calms down. He should be fine now. Oh by the way, he gave me this to give to you.” He handed you your cellphone. You remembered he said he would give it to you if you came. All the memories of the previous days flooded in and you started to feel worried. You remembered that you snuck out with Marik, and you were almost sure that punishment for that would be coming later… Bakura could sense your fear and chuckled darkly. “Don’t worry dear, we can deal with your defiance issue later.” He stood up and walked out of his room, leaving you alone. You looked at your phone and noticed that it was 2 in the afternoon on Saturday. You texted Yugi: You: Hey do you think we can talk? Yugi: Yeah, for sure. Is something wrong? You can come to the game shop whenever you feel like it. You: Alright, thank you Yugi. Do you think I might be able to talk to Yami though? Yugi: Yup, he said you can. See you later _____. You: Thanks, see ya. You got up and grabbed your head. You stood up to quickly and all the blood left your head. Once you had recovered from your near pass-outing you got out of Bakura’s room and into yours. You brushed your hair and teeth and put on a pair of ripped jean shorts with a black and white tee-shirt. You threw your (h/c) hair into a high ponytail (If you can do that) and asked Bakura if you could go to meet up with Yugi. He gave you a confused look and rolled his eyes, “Why?” You told him that you just wanted to hang out and get some dueling tips. “I could teach you how to duel perfectly fine, why do you want to see him?” He glared at you. “I don’t know. Has it ever occurred to you that I might just want to see friends sometimes?” you asked. “Well yes…but-“ You cut him off, “What if I said I wanted to hang out with Tea? You’d say go ahead, right?” “Well yes…” he raised an eyebrow. “God, you really need to stop doing that. I don’t belong to you. Anyways, it’s just Yami, we’re only friends.” “Oh so it’s Yami is it? You just want to go ‘hang out’ with my worst enemy… I don’t think so.” He growled. “What are you even talking about? Look, I promise I’ll be safe.” You gave him a hopeful look which he sighed in reply to. “Fine but you come home as soon as you can.” “Yes mother…” you rolled your eyes playfully to which he chuckled. You grabbed your stuff and ran out the door to Yugi’s grandfather’s game shop. As you walked in the doors the bell sounded, letting him know that you were there. Yugi’s grandfather looked up at you and smiled before turning back to organizing the shelves. You heard footsteps as Yugi ran downstairs as his Yami. “_______? You needed me?” he asked, concern clear in his eyes. He was one of your best friends even if you didn’t know about what he was before. “Uh… Yeah… Well I needed to ask you about something. I was going to ask Bakura but I was a little scared to…” You started. “What did you need to ask me ______?” he raised an eyebrow. “Well umm… I had this dream last night and… Do you know anything about the ‘pharaoh’? He was in it and he looked a lot like you…” You stopped short, looking at the ground nervously, thinking that he probably thought you were insane. He sighed, “______... The pharaoh was myself, in a past life that was. Around 5000 years ago in Egypt… What was your dream about?” “Umm…” You weren’t sure if you wanted to tell him. I mean it would sound really bad to him and he would probably assume you were insane or evil… “Well it started out with me chained against a wall. You walked in with someone else… You kept talking about me like I wasn’t there…” He nodded shortly, “What were we talking about?” “Something about me having power… And that you wanted me on your side. Then you asked me if I would help you and I agreed…” You stopped, thinking about the rest of the dream. You found yourself embarrassed and decided not to tell him that part. “Well ______... I know that you did not exist in those times as you are not a spirit now… But those dreams could have been a premonition… Have you been noticing anything different about yourself lately?” He asked You looked down at the floor and basically explained everything that had happened to you up to that point, leaving out the fact that that was why Marik and Bakura were fighting over you. You didn’t want Yami or Yugi to get involved with it. Yami nodded as you finished and gave you a slight supportive smile. “If you need any help with your powers I can try to help. I don’t know what the purposes of your powers are, but you need to make sure that your power doesn’t fall into the wrong hands. Don’t let anyone control you _______...” “Oh god…” you thought, “If only he knew… Not that I want to risk telling him…” You shivered, really not wanting anymore punishment. “Thank you so much Yami…” You smiled and gave him a warm hug. “It really means a lot to me.” As he hugged back you heard the bells on the door chime, indicating that someone had walked in. You and Yami broke apart to see who it was. You spun around and your (e/c) orbs met violet ones. You mentally facepalmed as you noticed the angered expression on his face. But you were relieved that it wasn’t his Yami. Yami stood in front of you sort of protectively, “Marik, what do you want?” he gave him a stern glare. Marik snarled, “I want you to stay away from my queen Pharaoh… ________, come here.” You faced the ground and walked around Yami and toward Marik, ending up in his arms. You still faced the ground, embarrassed of Marik’s attitude. Yami looked at you bemused, “His queen? _______, please don’t let him…” You heard yourself cut him off, “This is none of your concern Pharaoh. I belong to Marik now…” It only took you a second to figure out that he was controlling you again. “Dammit, I really wish he would stop doing that…” Yami looked surprised at you but then looked at Marik. “Stop manipulating her like that, she doesn’t deserve to be used by you. She should be able to use her power freely as she wants, not having to work for you.” His eyes bore angrily into Marik’s. Marik let out a slight chuckle, “Oh so now the Pharaoh knows of the power does he?” He turned to you, “You shouldn’t have told him _______, he’s going to be another obstacle in our way now. But I can figure out a proper punishment for you later…” He looked back at Yami, “Don’t try to get her on your side. This is between me and Bakura and I intend to come out on top with my queen…” He grabbed your chin firmly with his fingers and forced you to look up at him. You stared at him, fear evident in your (e/c) eyes even if you tried not to let it show. He started rubbing your left cheek with his thumb while smirking at you longingly. “This can wait…” he muttered as he looked at a very puzzled Yami. “_______ will end up with me and we will conquer the world together. You can try to stop us but I’m afraid ______’s power here has nothing to do with card games… so I doubt you will be able to help…” He threw his hair back and started to laugh like a complete psychopath, scaring you further. He stopped suddenly and looked at you again, “Come along my dear, we must be going now…” “Going where?” you asked. “To my place, where else?” he exclaimed. You gave up. You gave Yami a small hopeful smile as he glanced at you curiously and walked behind Marik as he exited the game shop, dragging you by the wrist as always. Yami’s P.O.V.:                                     I watched awkwardly as ______ and Marik left. I can’t believe that she would be working with him, agreed to be his queen no less… It just doesn’t seem right. And if her power really is as powerful as Marik and Bakura claimed it to be I can’t let them have control of her. Yugi’s voice rung through my head, “Are you alright Yami?” “Yes I’m fine,” I answered, “I’m just a little worried about ______.” Yugi sighed, “I am too, but she’s stronger than she looks. And I doubt she would let anyone control her… even Marik couldn’t control her choice of what she does with her life. And I’m quite sure that he would want her to love him rather than control her in that case…” I nodded, “True, he does seem quite interested in her… Bakura too. When I told him what happened to _______, he just about killed someone I’m pretty sure… But yes, I’m sure that _______ will be able to handle them in the end.” Just then Yugi’s grandfather walked in and I let Yugi take over again.       Your P.O.V.:                                      You were walking into Marik’s house and just being there sent chills down your spine. The last time you were there he locked you up and tried to use you as a slave. Even if you did feel more comfortable around him now you weren’t sure if you could just trust him so easily all of a sudden. He noticed your growing nervousness and laughed, “If you didn’t want to come you could have just ran back to Bakura…” You shook your head a little and looked at him, “It’s okay, I wanted answers from you too…” you sighed. He nodded his head as a sign for you to go on. “Well I understand the Pharaoh thing now but why do you and Bakura hate him so much?” Marik grinned, “Well my family had to wait all those years for the Pharaoh’s return. All those years of torture ruined me. And as for Bakura, he is still trying to get revenge for what happened to him in his past life.” You nodded, waiting for more but that was all he was going to give you. You decided it was probably better not to ask any more anyways. “So my dear, how’s Bakura?” Marik broke your train of thought. “Alright, probably mad, not that he wasn’t already…” Marik smirked and walked closer to you. He snaked his arms around your waist and pulled you up against his chest. “And you’re afraid of getting hurt again, aren’t you?” He leaned down to whisper in your ear, “You know I wouldn’t ever let him hurt you…” You nodded and replied, “Yeah, but you would probably just hurt me yourself.” He pulled apart from you and gave a hurt expression on his usually amused face. “No, I couldn’t hurt you. Not anymore… I want you to be happy.” You felt heat rising to your cheeks as he spoke. “No _______, you can’t be falling for this insane psychopath…” His expression changed again in a matter of seconds to fuming with anger. “And I’m going to kill Bakura for what he did to you…” He growled. He stalked across the room and headed towards the door but you grabbed his hand just in time. “Marik…” you muttered, barely audible. He turned around to face you. Only slightly above a whisper you breathed out, “It’s okay… I’m fine. Please don’t do this…” He looked down at you angrily before closing his eyes. You could tell he has arguing with himself. He wanted to listen to you but he was enraged with Bakura. He started to grab his head again and you thought, “Oh please, god no… Not this again.” The same thing happened as the night you blacked out and there stood Yami Marik with an insane smirk on his face. You stared, wide eyed at him while he grinned at you. “So this is the one Marik likes. I’m glad I get to see you scared my dear. Good thing we get some time alone together…” His words and expression gave you a very uneasy feeling and before you knew it he had you pushed up against the wall, his hands on your hips firmly. He eyed you up and down before grinning again. You started to argue but he started to grind against you and it took everything you had not to groan. His happy expression dropped and he leaned in so your noses were touching. He had moved one of his hands underneath your chin and the other one running under your shirt and up your spine. “Let it out darling.” You ignored him and he slammed his cold lips onto yours. He bit your bottom lip but you denied him entrance. He pulled away to yell at you, “Stop being so difficult you insolent girl!” You closed your eyes and waited for him to hit you. Instead you felt your (h/c) hair being swept away from your face and a pair of cold lips kissing you much more passionately this time. You allowed him entrance this time as the kiss felt so good, you wanted to deepen it. You let him do whatever he wanted until his hands wandered down between your thighs and started to rub. “M-Marik… please no…” You saw his eyes flash with deep concern suddenly as there was a brightness and Yami Marik became Marik again. He stumbled back quickly, making him lose his balance. “I-I-I’m so sorry… I didn’t mean to…” But before he could finish you were out the door, running towards Bakura’s house again.

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