Chapter One

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I don't think muggle's can go through 9 3/4 in Harry Potter but due to the fact I cannot remember im making it so they can
Also I should probably mention Dumbledore isn't dead in this fic bc... idk it just happened I WAS PLANNING ON MAKING IT MCGONAGALL LIKE THE CANON VERSION BUT I JUST WROTE DUMBLEDORE AND SO HERE HE IS WHOOPS.

"I'm going to laugh my ass off if you run into the wall and it's not all magical and mighty as you put it out to be and you just hurt yourself instead." Harry's friend, Iris, stated.

Harry rolled his eyes, "thanks. Such an amazing friend you are." Harry replied sarcastically, "anyway. Once I run through, you two run straight after Luna and I, understood?" He looked to his two muggle friends.

Iris, Wisteria, and of course, Luna, were there. But Luna already knew what to do, of course.
Wisteria had extremely curly- but long- Red hair, as if she just hopped out of the Disney movie "Brave." She had sparkling green eyes and a freckle coated face. She also had two black-and-white tattoo sleeves that were filled with dragons and owls and flowers.

Iris had black hair that was shaved on both sides- like Harry- except hers was straight and fell to her right eye. She had tattoos everywhere. She had two sleeves, tattoos on her back, on her stomach, on her thighs- everywhere. But of course, they were all black and white.

Luna eventually followed Harry's lead and moved to the muggle world. She quickly became friends with Wisteria and Iris, and got a few tattoo's herself- she started a sleeve on her right arm, it consisted of black-and-white  moons and herbs and owls- stuff like that.

Unlike Harry, who works part-time at the Tattoo parlor, she works full time. She absolutely loves tattooing.
(She also gave Wisteria and Iris a magic tattoo- a small diamond that had sparkles moving around it.)

Harry was more interested in writing than tattooing, but he enjoyed tattooing all the same.

"Alright." Harry Let go of a breath. He was filled with anxiety.

He gripped his trolley tightly before running towards the wall, nervous that it may actually not be oh-so-magical anymore.
He let go a sigh of relief when he made it through the wall unharmed.

His three friends made it in right after him.

"Awesome!" Wisteria and Iris squealed in Union, before coughing to hide their squeal.

Harry rolled his eyes, "sucks you can't come to hogwarts with me." He sighed.

Wisteria threw a dramatic hand over her forehead and leaned back into Harry, "oh- whatever shall we do?! You will be lost without us!" She yelled out dramatically.

Harry rolled his eyes and pushed her off as she giggled.

He looked around, realizing his snake- Jinora- was missing. She's a big ass snake- she can't be far.

"JINORA!" Harry hissed in parstletongue.

He scanned the area, "I lost Jinora."

"Harry, she's right here." Luna replied.

Harry turned around and faced Luna, whom was cradling Jinora as though she were a baby.

"Jesus- you gave me a heart attack."

"Ssssssorry, I wassss enjoying my sssstomach rub."

Harry rolled his eyes and picked Jinora up, draping her over his shoulders.

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