Chapter Nine

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"Guys, have you seen Draco?" Harry asked, laying upside down on the couch.


It was almost supper time (the Slytherins had a free period) and Harry hasn't seen Draco since their encounter in the hallway.

"I haven't seen him since lunch. He even skipped last period. That's odd, isn't it? He never skips."

"If you're so worried about him," Pansy closed her book and stood up, "go find him."

Harry nodded and stood, "Okay, he's in the library, right?"

"Last I checked." She shrugged and headed up the Slytherin staircase.

Harry quickly made his way to the library, only to find the doors locked.

Frowning, he pulled the Marauders map from behind his jeans and looked down at it, searching for Draco's name.

Once his eyes landed on his name, Harry made his way towards it.
It was an odd place to be; in moaning myrtles bathroom. For Draco, atleast.

Finally he was there.
He walked in, but there was no sight of Draco.

"Draco?" Harry called out, his voice echoing slightly.

Harry heard a faint grunt.

He soon found Draco attached to a wall by some sort of hex- almost as if he was glued there.

"What happened?" Harry asked, reciting a counter curse.

Draco's limp body fell to the floor, and Harry dropped down with him.

"Jesus christ, Draco, What happened? You're all bruised and bloody."

"It's nothing." Draco whispered, allowing Harry to help him up.
Harry sat him on one of the toilet seats in a stall, grabbed a face cloth and dipped it in warm water, before returning to draco's side and carefully washing off the dried up blood.

"Who did this to you?"

"it's irrelevant, Potter." Draco winced when Harry ran over a deeper cut.

"It's very relevant, Draco. People can't just get away with doing this."

Draco stayed silent, causing Harry to stop wiping the blood.

"You think you deserve this."


"You don't, Draco."

"What do you know?" Draco snapped, glaring at Harry. "You're the golden boy. Saint potter. Savior of the wizarding world. I'm the Slytherin. Ex death eater. Enemy of the wizarding world." He mumbled the last part and looked away from Harry, almost ashamed.

"Hey," Harry shook his head and lifted Draco's head up, "You were forced to do horrible things, Draco. I'm a Slytherin too, remember? Slytherin's aren't the bad guys. It's the people who give them a bad name who are. And you're not the enemy of the wizarding world, don't be so dramatic. VOLDEMORT is."

"I worked under him for most my life!" Draco retorted.

"You didn't! You're family did! They forced that on you, Draco." Harry shook his head, why was this boy being so difficult?

Draco rolled his eyes, "whatever. Are you done?"

After Harry nodded, Draco stood and exited the bathroom, making his way to the 8th year common room.
Harry followed soon after, grabbing Draco's hand and spinning him around.

"Hey, Draco..." Harry sighed quietly.

Draco kept his head down; staring at his feet; he almost looked ashamed of himself.

"I just want to sleep." Draco whispered.

"It's almost supper. You need to eat something, You never ate lunch."

"I'm not hungry. I feel nauseous. Dizzy." Draco replied, swaying slightly.

"Did they cast another spell onto you?" Harry asked, holding Draco by his shoulders so he wouldn't fall over.

Draco didn't reply.

"Draco?" Harry snapped his finger in draco's ear.

A few seconds later, Draco fell to the ground, his body spasming.

He was having a seizure.

"Someone get help! He's having a seizure!" Harry yelled, turning Draco onto his side.

Multiple students rushed away to get Madame Pomfrey, who appeared in less than a minute with a potion.

She lifted Draco's head up and forced the potion down his throat; his body instantly stopped twitching, and his breathing slowed. He was asleep.

"What happened?" Pomfrey asked, still holding Draco's head.

"I don't know. I found him in Moaning Myrtles bathroom. He was hexed to the wall and beat up- I think whoever did it put another sort of curse on him.

Pomfrey nodded, "pick him up and bring him to the hospital wing. He'll need to stay there until I can counter curse the curse. I'm not quite sure what curse they used, but I'm sure it wasn't a fairly difficult one."


It's been an hour since the whole outburst. Harry was sat at Draco's side in the hospital wing, waiting for him to wake up. Pomfrey said he should wake soon, and allowed Harry to stay until curfew -mainly because she knew the only way Draco would talk was if it was to Harry.
His friends stopped by when they heard what happened, And Pansy was about ready to actually kill someone- luckily Luna and Hermione were able to calm her down.

Finally, Harry heard Draco let out a soft groan, and his eyes slowly flutter opened.

"Draco? Hey, Are you okay? How do you feel?" Harry asked immediately.

Draco winced, his head pounding. "I'm fine, Potter." He mumbled, sitting up straighter.

"Do you remember what happened?"

Draco shook his head, "all I remember was walking in the corridor with you. Then I blacked out."

"You had a seizure. Whoever hexed you to the wall also set a curse on you."

Draco mouthed an 'oh', but didn't say anything else.


"Well what?"

"Who did it?"

Draco sighed, "Just a group of Gryffindors, okay?"

"But who?"

"I don't know!"

"What'd they look like? And what did they want?" Harry asked.

Draco sighed. "They were all tall. One was pale and ginger. The other had dark skin and curly hair. And the last had blond hair down to his neck and was tanned."

"And what did they want?"

Draco rolled his eyes. "Isn't it obvious? You're very unobservant,  Potter." He sighed once more. "Their family members were tortured and killed by multiple death eaters. I'm a death eater, all they wanted was revenge."

Harry balled his fists in anger.

Harry stood, "I have to go. It's almost curfew. I'll be back tomorrow morning." Harry said, leaving the hospital wing and quickly heading towards the 8th year common room.

Wait till Pansy hears about this.

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