chapter 30... crybaby

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This morning i woke with a bad headache i guess cause i was crying all night. I'm missing luke like crazy he finally put the cocaine and got back to work I'm surprised he asked me too come to his video shoot today.

I hope he's seeing anyone else I'm gonna so fuckin pissed. But I'll get dressed to go support him tho.

Lucas looks so precious sleeping i wish he could understand the pain I'm going through right now. His daddy has been home in forever! Ugh...

Luke's thoughts
I'm going back to work today I'm doing a nude photoshoot with my girlfriend jessie j hopefully justice doesn't take it personal. When she gets here

3 hours later: i arrived at his videoshoot i had a long way to walk
To the way studio.

I made it. I walked to see luke im wondering he was holding a pillow to only find out he was nude.

Me: luke why you naked
Luke: nude videoshoot where's my son
Me: he's right here.

Why did a girl that was topless walking over to luke giving him a kiss i was so damn mad.

Me: luke who's this girl
Luke: my girlfriend
Me: you talkin bout me right?
Luke: no she is
Me: that's it I'm leaving fuc you and her i hope your song flops dumbass.
Luke: i thought you loved keith
Me: he has a girlfriend luke see ya later.

Photos from the videoshoot...

Photo#1 luke & jessie j

Photo#2 jus luke

Him and her ugh...

Luke by himself ugh...

I ran the studio crying i decided to record a album myself maybe I'll be next big thing. I'll probably win a grammy have a number 1 single. I'll find a studio to record at.

I got in the house taking off my clothes and lucas clothes he was hungry so i fed him something.

I kept crying thinking the good times all the times we had sex. When first met.

I layed down trying everything but it didn't work. I tried to sleep it away eat it away , drink it away , i even bought new a dress it didn't work.

To be continued...
In chapter 31 justice gets a record deal and record her next big hit. Read 31 to find out what happens...

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