Chapter 13: Sour Patch!

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Chapter 13

"No! Jake! Don't touch my burger!" I screamed at Jake. But that didn't stop him because he took my burger and took a huge bite out of it.

"Mmmm, this burger is the best burger I've had in a while." he moaned.

"You little-" I was cut of by Cam, "Cam! Not you too! Don't take my fries! They're all I have left!" I exclaimed, placing my hand to my heart to add a dramatic effect.

You may be wondering what's going on. Well here it is. Cam, Colette, Jake, and I are all having lunch at school. We've been going to school for more than a month now and suprisingly, it's not that bad. Just kidding, it has been bad. Aside from these three, my life has been filled with annoying players. By players I mean Ethan. Yeah, he's been annoying the heck out of me. He's constantly talking to me in class, walking me to my locker, asking me on dates, in which I decline, kissing me on the cheek, and following me everywhere. He even tried sitting with us at lunch yesterday! Of course, I convinced him to go away by telling him that Cam was gay and was going to ask him out if he sees him here.

Back to the present, we were currently eating lunch and of course, my friends were teasing me by eating all of my food. It was hilarious and amusing.

"Nooo! I love your food!" Cam exclaimed.

I shook my head laughing, "Hey Cole! Wanna go to the mall today?" I asked my best friend. Today was Friday and I wanted to do something.

"Yeah su-" Colette was cut off by a voice that was more annoying than Mickey Mouse's voice.

"Oooh, am I invited?" Who is it you may ask? If you guessed Ethan, then you're correct. He was standing there with his friends. Did he really have to bring his friends here? By friends I meant his player friends and slut friends. Gross. "May we sit here?" he asked politely. What a jerk.

"Not really." Jake said, with a bored expression. Jake hated Ethan. Well, not hated, but strongly disliked. I told Jake that Ethan used to bully me when I used to go here. Jake and I got really close even though it's only been a month since we've met. Jake thought that Ethan was a no good jerk and had some colorful words to describe him for doing that to me and he's "disliked" him since.

I stopped myself from laughing at Jake's answer. "Ethan, babe! Why do we have to sit here?! There's a free table over there!" one of Ethan's many girls said, or should I say screeched out loud. Dang, I think I won't be able to hear for a day.

I held my ear while Ethan said, "Nah babe. I want to sit here." Ugh, seriously. Player and slut, flirting at my table. Ethan sat himself down next to me while the girl kept clinging onto him.

I scooted towards Jake. "Are you se-" I was cut off by Jake and his burping. Gross.

"Sour Patch!" he exclaimed and punched my arm. What's Sour Patch, you may ask? Well it's a game that Jake made up, whenever someone sneezed, burped, coughed, or made a funny sound then you had to say Sour Patch or else you would get punched. Of course, I was always the one that got punched. It was a game between me, Jake, Cam, and Cole.

I glared at Jake and he just smirked at me. "Why was it only me that got punched?! Cam and Cole didn't say it!" I exclaimed pointing at the two laughing twins.

"You were closer!" he said, laughing. Then suddenly Cam sneezed. Both Jake and I yelled sour patch at the same time. Cam and Cole said it, too.

"HA! I'm safe!" I exclaimed.

"So am I!" 

"So, what do we do now?" I asked, we never really got to this point where everyone said it. "Oh! I got it!" I turned around to where Ethan was and I noticed that they were all watching with amused faces, while Ethan was just glaring at Jake. Why? Playful Jake was my favorite Jake.

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