My bum hurts

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Me:*goes to Park and sits on some sort of contraption that hurts your butt-sat on it for too long*

Me:Mum!My butt hurts!

Mum:You go to the park and act like a boy and sit on stuff it could rupture your insides What have I told you I've told you a million times to stop doing that and what do you do?Sit on it.
*5 minutes later*
I feed you,I clothe you,I pay the bills,and this is how you repay me?!You better pack your stuff and leave before I slap you to Timbuktu and your mother will feel it.

Me:But you're my-


Me: ._.

So now,whenever I sit or stand up,my butt hurts.For 3 weeks it's been like this.But I don't care.Because I'm Tungay.


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