Reborn : The White Girl

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It was a horrifying sensation, the bloodcurdling cry of distress emitted from my mother as a merciless pack of niggas tore into her tender entrails, her womb exposed to the harsh environment. Hanging limply outside of her body, I feebly struggled in an attempt to escape, my ripe body fighting against the group of dark skinned feinds.

Then suddenly, time froze, A pumpkin spice latte floating in my peripheral vision.

"This is a truly unjust game...."The voice softly spoke, my eardrums caressed by the sweet whispers.

"Your chances of winning are almost none...."It floated in a gently harmonic rythm, and I sat frozen, hypnotised.

"But if my voice is reaching you,there may yet be a possibility open to you."

I was set free from my trance, power surging through my veins.

"A-Ayo nigga, she just turned super Saiyan"The nigga stuttered, entranced by my Botox,breast implants and ugg boots.

"Who the fuck told yo black ass to stop?"A robust member of the quintuple exclaimed, squeezing the automatic firearm secured tightly in his plump fingers in raw rage.

"Those who commit sins are not given the chance of redemption"I spat and stood, grabbing the rotund man's neck with my fist and throwing him at a nearby wall, his eyes widening tenfold at the impact as he let out a choked groan of pain.

"You bout to get bodied!"He yelled, his fat shaky finger pointed towards me.

"No, we is!"A skinny member of the group replied.

I don't remember the details of the brawl that entailed, but I do know that I emerged victorious that day.I had avenged my mother.

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