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1 year later
Bekah's b-day Cake from Grampa

Bekah's pov
Mommy and Daddy got married 7 months ago. My baby brother Henry is three months old. I hate him. He's loud and annoying and no one ever listens to me anymore. "Mommy an I has ilk pease?" I ask and she said "just a minute baby". I waited. I wonder what they're going to do for my birfday this year. Oh yeah I is 3 years old today. I waited for her but she didn't get it so I went to daddy "daddy can I has pesent oon"I ask and he smiled "sorry sweetie your mommy need me for a second. What's the present for sweetheart?" He asked and my heart broke my eyes started to water. My mommy and daddy forgot my birfday. I ran away from him and seen all my uncles playing football with Eli and my Aunts doing their nails. They has presents for me I know it "uncy Henik!" I yell and he walked over "hey Princess I'm sorry but the guys are playing what do you need?" He asked "can I has ake or pesent" I ask and held out my hand "for what cutie. I don't have time to play. My teams loosing we can play later." He tells me.

Damon lied to me!! He lied to me on my birfday ast ear and I hate him! "Bubby!" I tell my bubby can't forget my birfday. "Hey Bekah we playing football. What's wrong?" He asked "is oday portent" I ask "I don't know? Why would today be important?" He asked and I screamed. I cried and ran into the house.

I can't take it anymore. I ran to Henry's room and used magic to destroy it. I picked up the wooden toy daddy made me give to him when he was a baby and took it. Henry's room was a mess and I ran to the Damon's house. Stefan, Katherine and Caroline live here but Damon lives at the boarding house.

Damon opened the door and was dressed like he was leaving and he looked at me surprised "what's wrong sweetie?" He asked picking me up "can I has ake or pesents" I asked knowing he could never forget my birthday. I giggled at his confused face "Damy you no froget silly" I say "honey me and Ric are going to New York for a week but we will get back soon. We can have cake then if you want" he said and my smile fell. Everyone forgot. He put me down. "You lar! Evyon froget! Lar!" I scream and sobbed. He tried to calm me down asking 'what's wrong?' and 'forget what'.

I cried and used my vampire speed to run away. I ran into the forest and cried while sitting on a tree. I hope I never had to see them again.

Bonnie's pov
I have been so tired lately so I went to put Henry down so I could take a nap but gasped when I seen his room. I was so upset I yelled "Klaus!" Everyone soon sped to the room to find broken furniture, glass, clothes and baby toys all over the room. Eli was shocked "why did Bekah do this?" He asked and I shook my head "I don't know bubby but she will be grounded when I find her. She's probably with Damon." I said and Niklaus called him
"Damon is Bekah with you?"
"Sorry about her."
"No it's fine she's most likely on her way back here" he said and hung up. "She was there but cried and left" he said and we all got confused.
We went downstairs and tried to calm down for once is 3 months. Wait! 3 months!

I got up and ran to the Calendar "oh no! I'm such a bad mother! No no no!" I screamed and fell to the ground crying "woah Bonnie what's wrong" they asked "Birthday!" I yell and Niklaus chuckles "baby I could never forget your birthday" he said "yet you can forget your daughters " I said and he laughed but soon stopped and looked at the calendar. They all start to panic and feel sad and horrible.

Hoping she would soon return we sent Kol and Finn to look for her. All the rest got her extremely expensive presents and an amazing cake. We called Damon who was freaking out swearing at all of us and himself.

Bekah's pov

I was crying and it was dark outside. No one even looked for me. I seen a man at the bottom of the tree "hi young one" he said in a voice like my uncles. "I Bekah" I said "I'm Mikael your grandfather. It's your birthday today and every birthday girl should celebrate" he said "elebrat" I squealed and jumped into his arms "you know a witch brought me back from the dead?" He said and carried me. I was surprised.

My grampa and I talked and he gave me lots of presents and cake. I feel asleep with my head on his stomach as we watched Tangled and my other favourites.

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