More Friends

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If one of you knows how to make a cover for this story plz message it to me. I feel like my cover doesn't draw people in. 🌙

Percy's POV

He pulled his hood down and there stood Ethan. I stared at him in complete shook. Ok so maybe I should have seen it coming. This was not what I had expected for the day.

I slowly stood up and touched his shoulder. When I felt it, I knew he was human and alive. Although, how the hell did this happen! Nobody got time for that. Nobody!

I started to run around like a crazy monkey. This is good. I get a friend. Then I stopped running around like a crazy person. I thought, who those people he with though?

So I ran back over to them. I jumped on one of the guys next to him. I pulled his hood down and then I saw Charles Beckendorf. I just stayed on him for a while trying to comprehend what the hell was going on.

I then remembered again, that I still don't have my hood off. Then had no idea who I was. Now this is going to be interesting to say the least.

I got off of him. Then backed up a couple steps. They looked at each other to make sure they were seeing the same things.

"Percy, why are you here?" Ethan asked. The rest if them then took of there hoods.

There Infront of me were a bunch of dead people. The people there were Ethan, Silena, Charles Beckendorf, Bianca, Lee Fletcher, Luke, and Castor.

I was quiet for a second. Then I saw the light start to dance in my eyes. Before I knew it I was falling to the ground and the light fade. I faint more in the last 2 decades that any other things of my life. And I should be 35 or something I can't remember!

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