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POV: Hermione. Night of the Gala. Don't play the song until I tell you! 😘😘

I was overwhelmingly furious with Draco. I refused to talk to him all week and deliberately avoided him at the ministry. He made me feel like an uncontrollable unpaid whore who slept with any man who talked to her.

Draco was devastated by our fight. He begged me to talk to him and forgive him, with hourly love letters he sent me. He even started sending them to my flat and Ron asked me who was sending me letters. I told him it was a girlfriend from work who was having relationship issues and I was helping her through them.

The letters were beautifully written saying everything was entirely his fault...

The truth was I had forgiven him. But I hadn't told him yet because I was still hurt and angry. He needed to learn his lesson from me that I wasn't going to put up with anyone talking to me like the way he did. He could sweat it out a little longer.

I picked the perfect outfit for the gala tonight to dress as my new role at the ministry. I figured since Draco made me feel like the office whore, I might as well dress the part. Being the maneater I am.

I put on my white tuxedo with my black push-up bra and no dress shirt. Along with my red lipstick, big black fake eyelashes, scarlet glitter pumps, and voluminous wavy hair cascading down my shoulders to the back of my shoulder blades.

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Hermione's Outfit 😍❤

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Hermione's Outfit 😍❤

I walked downstairs seeing Ron sitting on our couch being mesmerized by our muggle television, being too busy to notice me as usual. All He would acknowledge is the fact that just I came downstairs.

"You ready 'Mione?" Ron turned off the television standing up and took a double taking look my outfit. "Is THAT what you're wearing?!" Ron asked me with shock and confusion across his dim face. "Yes." I flatly stated in a matter of fact tone. "But you are wearing your bra for everyone to see?!" He yelled again with annoyance. "It's apart of my ensemble Ronald. So apparently I have to wear something revealing for you to notice me? Even if it is an insult." I announced with hurt and disgust rolling my eyes.

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