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What do you think happened to Darren ?

"Please don't kill us please , begged Darren . Dude you're just being pathetic as ever and did I mention dramatic too". I said as I eyed the psycho.

Well the psycho looked relax . The psycho raised his hand slowly as Darren cowered to the wall .

The psycho lifted his mask to reveal oh holy shit I thought where am I ? I thought .This guy is so freaking handsome where did he come from ? Mars ? ,Jupiter ? Yep definitely earth because, he started to laugh .His hair was a combination of blond and black streaks mixed together as he had an defined jaw line and a straight nose and pink lips who could have thought a guy has pink lip ? Well definitely yes because this holy freaking sexy  dude had pink ,well defined lip that look so freaking kissable .

" karma is a bitch "he stated as looked at me and Darren . Darren smacked him " I thought you died ". he pouted.  "Darren stop being so annoying " I said as the sexy god looked at me with honey -coloured eye that had long  thick eyelashes that framed it . I think he knows that I practically eye rape him as in result the dear sexy god smirked . "soooo who's this beautiful young lady your girlfriend ?". He said as he looked me up and down .

" Yes isn't she a beauty?".said Darren "Quite a beauty yes ".
said javid .As I stood like a ripe tomato blushing at his words .

" Aria I would like to introduce you to your boss Javid   knight's the owner of this company and my best friend who I am hotter than , my hotness scorches skin .".

"Right you was not saying that a couple of minutes ago when you practically peed your skin in front of the psycho ",please don't kill us please". as he mimicked Darren' s earlier action he started to laugh at his joke as I covered my mouth with my hand  to stop the laughter that wanted to erupt from me .

" Can you stop ,the lady is feeling quite uncomfortable  with this right  aria ? Urged Darren  "Um no, but  please continue with the introduction". "Yes javid so this is your new designer  Aria Blake ". 

" Hope we  have a mutual understanding working with each other ".
"Same here sir".
" So let me show you to your office ".  " I already show her to her office ". He raised an eyebrow " OK".

"You can get to work ". " Yes sir ". I said .
As I headed towards the door I heard Darren mumbling to javid about scaring him like that .

As soon as I exited the 50th floor and went to the floor I worked on Isa bombarded me with questions ," how did it go?". "Fine ".I mutterd  as Isa followed me what's up with her ? I thought .

" So  I was wondering if you would like to clubbing with me ? "
"When ?" . I asked "Tonight I would like a friend to accompany me plus you look stressed out ".
I laughed and thought clubbing won't do me any harm " Yeah sure , I would love to go ." OK I will be at your place direct 7:00 would that be good ?" Sure ".  The conversation then ended with her deciding  we will go clubbing with her car and not mines since she was coming over by me .

The hours fled faster than usual as I finished off some tit bits of remaining work  and left office at 5:00sharp   and headed home to go clubbing .

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