Chapter four

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Pic of Rubin.

Rubin's POV

How the fuck did she find me, is the first thought to enter my head once the shock has worn off. My next thought is not so pleasant as I realise that I'll never, ever be allowed an ounce of freedom again. I'm screwed. Just then Trev the dickhead decides to make his oh so wonderful self known. "Rubin I'm so sorry. Please don't leave. I'll make it up to you. What we have is working, don't turn away from me, I need you." Is he for real! "Fuck off Trev and never contact me again. I don't do whores. Now move your slimey hands off me" I say in a deadly calm voice. All the while I don't take my eyes off my mother, who by the way is loving the scene Trev is creating.

"Get in the car son" she says with humour and I want to wipe the smile off her face. Trev, thinking he has still some reason to be near me, tries to tell her off "he's clearly not comfortable going with you lady so back off" this only infuriates the witch inside my mother. She storms over to him and sticks her perfectly manicured nail in his face and he's immediately intimated even though she stands at least a foot shorter than his six foot frame. "Now you listen to me, you don't look at my son again, don't try talk to him, don't even think about him. If you do I'll ruin you Mr Trevor Brett, works at the local cafe, father to one with another on the way. Need I go on? I can ruin you in two thumps of a heartbeat and I won't hesitate to do it. Go back inside now, we are done here".

He doesn't wait a beat before taking off up the stairs. Fucking coward. Then again I would probably run scared if I didn't know the powerhouse that is my mother so well. Feeling like a kid and knowing my doom I start to walk after a scolding look is thrown my way. My legs feel like lead and my heart is breaking as I take each step. He might not have been the one great love of my life but he was my only out. Meeting him was the only freedom I had and now I'm cheated and caught out. I want to cry.

"You silly fool. Did you think I wasn't going to find out. At least now we can put this nonsense behind us. No more nights away. Pip is for dancing only, you are not to see that little lying bitch outside of that. I know she put you up to this stupidity but now I know I can set you right again. Really Rubin! Whooring yourself out to a man like him, not only is he older and married but he's such lower class. I would've thought you'd know better-" I'm sick of this shit so I stop her by holding up my hand. "I'm done mother. I'm not going to listen to that horrible rubbish your spewing. Your a stuck up old witch and your not going to run my life-" I stop suddenly and I'm in shock. She slapped me. Right across the face and I feel the sting that tells me one of her nails caught my cheek.

I look at her and she seems just as shocked as I am. I don't think, I just react as I hear a motorcycle stop at the traffic lights to my left. I run and jump on the back. A fucking axe murderer could be the rider and I wouldn't give two shits. "Please go. I'll be forever in your depth if you just get me away from here" he doesn't answer my plea but I must have sounded desperate enough because he nods and takes off. The last I see of my mother is her running behind us looking anything but the stiff, bitter, control freak she usually is. Sad thing is even as I hear her voice on the wind calling for me to stop, I actually don't care. I know I should but I don't and at this precise moment this man could dump me in a ditch and ride away and I'd still take the same options.

As we glide through the streets I feel liberated. I'm done with that life and wherever I end up I'll manage. Sure I'm famous for dancing but that's not the kind of world wide fame that, say, an actor would have so I can hopefully find something to do. It's scary to realise I've no real skills outside dancing but again right now I'm just going to enjoy the freedom until I get off this bike. Then I will freak out, then I will worry that I have nothing and no one.

I wonder what this poor man thinks of me, a stranger hopping on his bike out of the blue. Well whoever he is I meant what I said I owe him big time.

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