Chapter seventeen

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Rubin's pov

Gussied up! That's the only way to describe myself right now. Enzo is crazy, he picked, primped and tweaked me to death. I felt like a show horse by the time he was done "getting me ready for my man" as he described it. Who my man is I'll never know but I let the lil cutie work away. I will admit I do look good though.

The boys left at seven to get to work so we are getting a taxi there courtesy of the money they both left us. I'm not completely comfortable taking anyone's money but Enzo just told me to shut my trap. He really gets bossy when he wants to party. I've never been to one of these clubs, well I've never been to a club full stop so this should be an experience.

Ready to go we hop in the taxi at ten and arrive at a large booming building within ten minutes. The line to enter is really long and I am secretly glad I brought my coat. The tiny storm that I am with has other ideas though and marches me right passed the grumbling, half drunk, waiting patrons.

He nods at the security man who breaks into what looks like a rare smile "hi Bob! I'm back" Enzo all but sing songs at the man and it seems his charm is not lost on anyone ever. Bob immediately pulls him into a hug whilst saying "hi Tiny" and compared to Bob he really is! "We missed you. You here to see boss man". Finally released Enzo beams up at him "I am but not Bru. I finally got with my man". All this talk whilst I stand awkwardly looking on and internally panicking that the people in line are going to skin us alive if we don't move. "No way! Ah that's great news, I knew you would eventually Tiny. Now move on and have a good one" he says ruffling Enzo's hair as he finally moves the rope.

I'm in a whole new world. The beat feels like it's thrumming through my body. The sight before me has me stopping in my tracks and I can barely hear Enzo telling me to come on. I'm amazed and I love it. The dancer in me is bouncing, riled up and ready to go, he's burned his precious ballet shoes and taken off his leotard. Gone is the perfectly groomed dancer, he's been replaced with someone who's darker, rougher and ready to party. I've missed out. And I intend to make up for lost time.

Like someone possessed I pull the lil bossy boy to the dance floor and let the music take me away. The rhythm takes me to heights I've missed. I am acutely aware of eyes on me as I find myself in this new world of dance but as usual I block out the whole world as I sway, hump, twist and turn in my favorite state of mind. Fuck my old life, fuck my parents, fuck all the bad shit that has happened in the last six weeks, I'm free right now. Here and now nothing else matters.

We dance and occasionally drink for three hours. Dancers come and go on the stage but I am only interested in dancing myself. None of them share my passion so fuck watching them. That is until they announce him, the last dancer of the night. The one they call Boots. I stop dancing once he starts. I'm transfixed. I'm in awe. I'm horny as all fuck.

He's simply amazing. Not one other person in this world has ever made me want to not dance but just watch. He's captivated me and I think I'm in love. Not with the man but with the dancer. I need to find out who this is because for the first time in my life I've found someone who matches my passion. And he's looking right back at me with a matching expression of lust.

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