Teribly unfortunate news (sorry folks)

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When I first started this story, I was 14, and I had a huge crush on this guy who I liked a lot, and he flirted with me on the bus. (Like Emerson and Ashton) Then, I had the idea to write this very story about her attempts to make him see her as crush-worthy  material (I cringe at this as I type this, but my 14 year old self would want it this way). Anyways, I have now realized that a girl doesn't need a guy in her life to have happiness, and going after players isn't worth my time. Now I just can't connect with this story anymore (explaining the lack of updates and what not) since I feel like I am no longer Emerson, and this story is in the past for me. Putting this aside, I am considering discontinuing this story, since it's way to overly dramatic and insane and whatnot, but replacing it with a more mature piece? (not adult mature but much better than this). If you still faithful readers to this story, which I very much appreciate by the way, would actually be interested in a brand new story please comment or something along those lines! Thanks :)

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 18, 2014 ⏰

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