Chapter 15: Second Chance . . . Kidnap?

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Everyone, I am SO EXTREMLEY SORRY for this long wait for this chapter, I don't even know if it will have been worth the wait. Ehhh I'm not completley satisfied with it but that's life I guess. Thank you all for reading! Comment if you would read another story written by me, I have a couple of new ideas that I really want to write. COMMENT, VOTE, AND SMILE CAUSE YOU'RE ALL BEAUTIFUL!

*Ryan's P.O.V.*

A few soft snores, followed up with the unintentional poking of my face, I wake up. I twist my head to see Emerson messily spread out over the arm of the couch. Damn she's adorable. I can't help feeling shocked at how beatiful and crumpled she is. Her hair is a giant dissaray of blackness, the waves overlap over one another, engulfing her face entirly. As I check my phone for messages, I see that the time is 6:18. I still feel somewhat sick, so I'm staying home.

Emerson, on the other hand, is going to school. Even if I have to drag her there against her will, it's not good for her to be around me while I'm contagious. In efforts to not wake her, I stifle my yawn. She stirs, I scoop her into my arms, and carry her to my truck.

"Please don't kill me after this, Em." I mutter, while buckling the unconcious Emerson into her seat. I'm driving straight to the school, without taking her home to change first. Hey, education is important shit, and she'd be late if we stopped. Luckily, she wiped off her mascara streaked cheeks last night, so that shouldn't be an issue. My eyes wander to her relaxed face, a little bit to long, in the man behind me's oppinion. How do I know? He honks his horn and yells out, "Drive asshole!"

"What's going on?" Em mumbles grogily.

"Uh I'm umm . . . driving you to school." I say nervously.

"I must have heard you wrong, cause for a minute it sounded like you said you were driving me to school." Her eyes bore into my head, the Emerson I know has finally made an appearance.

"Nope, we're going to the school." I feel like I just signed my death sentance. Perhaps I had.

"But I smell like week old french fries and I'm still in this yellow dress." She pouts, making me laugh.

"It's not funny!" Emerson protests, smacking my arm.

"Sorry, but if you want to be able to get into college to get away from your dad, then you need to go to school." I regain some focus.

"Ughhhhhhhh you suck." After imaturely sticking out her tongue, Em hops out of the truck. I roll the window down, "Have a great day!" I call out. "Not likely!" She shoots back, being as sarcastic as ever.

Gotta love that girl.

*Emerson's P.O.V.*

Ryan is such a idiot for thinking it was a good idea to bring me to school, in my disaster date clothes. Between him and Ashton, I'm not sure who I want to kill first. I grin, thinking of tortous ways to end their lives, when a black bag is put over my head.

"Hah funny, Melanie, now take the bag off." I utter, scared out of my mind.

"Don't worry, you're safe." A male voice lies.

"I'm safe? Dude, I have a black bag on my head and I'm pretty sure you're dilusional if you think this is safe." I roll my eyes, if I'm getting kidnapped, it would be nice to have a professional do it. Good God I can't stand amatuers.

"I just want to talk to you, and when we're in privacy, I'll remove the bag."

"Yippee, I can't wait to see the back alley you have chosen to rape me in." To my surprise, he laughs.

"I'm not going to rape you." The guy says through bits of laughter.

"Sure, if you're Charles, which I'm 99% sure that you are, then I have a feeling you will fullfil your visions of banging me while watching Star Wars. To be honest, I'm not looking forward to that, since that Chewbacca guy gives me the creeps. His face is like a giant hairy-" I'm rudley cut off by the stranger.

The bag is whipped off of my head, and I finally come in contact with my abductor.

"Surprise?" Ashton gives a half-witted grin, that I try to rip apart by glaring him down.

"What the fuck? Are you off your medication or something?! It's NOT legal to just kidnap people. It's actually pretty rude, I mean, I have stuff to do today. This little exchange isn't on the list." I put my hands on my hips defiantly.

He puts his hands up in surrendor, "Okay- okay, I'm sorry. I just wanted to talk to you, but I wasn't sure if you would talk to me or not."

I sigh, "You are mentally unstable, but, I shall continue the conversation since you went through all of this trouble." I gesture with my hand for him to start talking.

"Well, first off, I'm sorry for not meeting you at the fair on friday night. It sort of slipped my mind, to be honest. That must have been hard for you to knowingly be a third wheel." With great difficulty, the words come out.

"You're not completley forgiven," Ashton's shoulders visibly slump,"but if you were to buy me a LARGE icecream cone, persay, I could forgive you." I smile at him, then silently kick myself for giving in so easily.

Why do I have such a soft spot for someone who just breaks my heart whenever he feels like it? I'm just a punching bag for the world to beat up on. Or the fire hydrant every dog just takes a piss on.

Wow I need to stop with the depressing metaphors.

"That, I can do. Can I escort you to the icecream place, Emmers?" He asks,"You may." I allow myself to be sort of vulnerable.

We go the first few steps without saying anything, "Emmers, you have GOT to tell me about the whole Charles thing." I nod, "Of course, after you get me that icecream."

"You always know how to handle things, Emerson. You always do." Ashton stares into my eyes, and for the first time in a while, I know exactaly what I'm going to do with my love triangle issues.

I'm going to end this entire cycle.

Soon, these love problems of mine are going to vanish.

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