Chapter 14: Sick boys and Regrets

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*Emerson's P.O.V.*

As I scream into the phone families with small children glare at me. Of course out of every damn freak show here, clowns, sword swallower's, and drunk ride workers, I'm attracting the most attention. The tears run down my face in black rivers, smearing Mel's makeup job everywhere.

A little boy points who's about a couple feet away, points at me,"Mommy what's wrong with her? Why is she sad?". God little kids are so blunt.

She answers, "Sweetie, it's not polite to point." in a motherly manner.

I face towards him,"Would you really like to know why I'm upset?" I ask him, he nods eagerly, and his mom looks embarrassed.

"I'm so sorry-" I cut her off with a hand gesture.

"Well, I was supposed to come here with a boy, a very special boy, on a double date." I start off.

"Like me?" He asks, and I nod.

"But then he became sick, so he couldn't go. The other two people wanted me to still come with them, even though it would be awkward. I said I would come." I take a deep breath, trying to remain calm for the cute little boy.

"So I came here, and the other couple didn't show up like they were supposed to. I waited and waited, but they didn't come. And I became very sad, because the OTHER boy coming is very special too. I wanted to see him because I am a princess, with two princes. Does that make any sense?" I ask the now wide-eyed child.

"My mommy told my daddy one time that all men are dick faces who should burn in hell cause their asshole personalities aren't wanted on earth. And for him to have fun with his blond whore." He grins up at me, and I burst out laughing.

"James Timothy Ryder, those things aren't to be repeated!" The woman's face goes beet red and she looks flustered.

Through giggles, I say, "Miss, I'm sorry your son said that when you didn't want him too, but he has just made my night." She eventually starts smiling and laughing along with me.

"Darling, I'm honestly sorry that you've been stood up. That boy doesn't deserve you, you're so beautiful and kind, so keep your head up. Want to- wait one moment." She pauses to pick up her loudly ringing phone.

"Hello? Ashton what's wrong?" At the sound of his name I freeze.

It can't be the same Ashton, they're no way. "Baby, you stood a girl up at the fair? It's times like these that I'm not proud to be your step mom. You need to treat women right, especially if you think she's "the one"." She scolds. My heart slams against my ribs, I can feel my heart beat rapidly accelerate.

I choke out, "I need to go." She nods, so I begin to run towards where I parked my bike. I hate riding this stupid thing around like a five year old, but I'm not old enough to drive yet. One last sigh escapes my lips and I ride off to Ryan's house, with a box of tissues and cold medicine in my backpack.

*Ryan's P.O.V.*

I sneeze for about the billionth time today, and to my dismay, I'm out of tissues.

Fuck. My. Life.

What the hell I am I going to do with a disgusting runny nose and zero tissues? I look at my arm and debate on using that. I mean, guys are known to do gross things, but I really don't want to do this. Just as I'm about to wipe my face on my arm, the door bell rings.

Great. Perfect timing.

"What do you want?" I ask grumpily while opening the door.

"Gee nice to see you too." Emerson says sarcastically, giving me a small smile.

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