Chapter 2: Hot Coco Comprimises

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He shoves me into the doors of the bus.

"GET YOUR HANDS OFF ME!" I yell, cause now I'm officially pissed.

"Is there a problem young lady?" Mrs. Chorter, our bus driver asks. Her eyes twinkle in anticipation, and I know that our little argument is the highlight of her day.  Oh goody.

Well what do I say to this woman who drives around aimlessly to earn her minimum wage pay?

Ashton lied and said I was his sister!

I'm not pretty, not like Skylar.

I hate Skylar with a burning passion.

I'd say I have alot of problems to choose from, lots of answers to the question.

"No, I just have PMS." I smile sweetly.

"Okay deary." Her face falls in disappointment, my words didn’t entertain her. I shrug, it’s not my fault that Mrs. Porter has high expectations.

I storm to the back of the bus, and leave Ashton stranded in the front of the bus, speechless. When I tilt my head ever so slightly to see his reaction, his mouth is agape. Maybe he’ll flies will go into his mouth for karma.

I plop down in the gray, fake leather seats, and put my bag at the end of the seat. It sits in Ashton's usual seat, showing that he shouldn’t sit with me unless HE WANTS TO DIE!!!!! Or get slapped, since that is less violent and more likely to happen. Hopefully Ashton gets the message.

"Seriously, you think a backpack will stop me from sitting with you?" He cocks his eyebrow teasingly at me. How DARE he act like nothing happened!

"Yes, yes it will. I squirted it with a special Anti-Ashton spray,and it only cost me $19.99! Plus shipping and handling." I childishly turn away from him, cross my arms, and pout.

"Everything advertised on commercials are junk. So this Anti-Ashton spray won't work on me." Ashton makes his point by putting the bag on the floor, and sitting beside me.

Normally, this would give me butterflies, but today it fuels my anger.

"UGHHHHH I don't want to sit with you. You're a liar. And you are a buttface." I whine.

"How so?" He wonders.

"I. Am. Not. Your. Sister." I seethe.

"I know, I know." Ashton says dryly. Ooh so now he admits to making me his sister?

"Ashykins, you better talk NOW. I REFUSE to pretend to be your sister." I growl, in my “Skylar-imitation” voice.

"Shut up, Em. I said that because I thought Skylar would be mad that I was your friend. Did anyone ever tell you that you are cute when you’re mad?" The brief explanation is followed with some ass-kissing. As if I’m going to fall for that right now.

"Ooh is Ashykins afraid of the big, bad Skylar? Can someone not control their girlfriend? Oh, and nice try with the ass-kissing, it’s not working for me." I taunt, and roll my eyes. Ashton winces at my insult about his dumb compliment.

"Emerson, look I'm sorry, It slipped out."

"Welcome to McDonald's, would like some ketchup with those lies?" I roll my eyes.

"Look at me." Ashton demands.

My eyes still concentrate on the miscellaneous food on the floor. Even though the scraps a starting to make my stomach churn, he will not get my respect.

He talks, even though I ignored him. "Emerson, you know that Skylar wouldn't take my friendship with you lightly. She can be . . . jealous, and I didn't want to give her any reason to feel that way."

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