Chapter 5: Awkward flirters

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* Authors note: PLEASE DON'T EVER VOTE OR COMMENT ON THIS STORY EVER! Okay? . . . So now who's gonna be the rebel to comment and vote? I'm trying to use reverse psychology on you guys :) yeahh. . .. alright! Also, I wanted to thank KJColton for my new cover and kaylanm15 for the banner(s) THEY ARE AMAZING PEOPLE!!!  Enjoy this chapter *

I twist the lock on my locker trying to remember my combo, to get my gym bag.

"UGGGGGGGGGH BRAIN, REMEMBER!" I yell and start violently poking my head. This isn't good, if I'm late to gym again, Mrs.Strezerk is going to give me a detention. Then, like the freak I am, I start kicking my locker. Maybe if I hurt it, it will open for me.

"You are a damsel in destress, my fair princess." A . . . girly voice said?

I turn my head to face the cheesy speaking human.

Oh shit, it's Charles.

"I banish you from the kingdom, a.k.a my locker." I mutter under my breath.

"What did you say, my queen?" Charles flirts awkwardly by licking his hand and running it over the greasy mess of hair.

Someone just shoot me, right now,

"I said, DON'T GRAB MY BOOB CHARLES!" I shriek, and Mr.Brillo comes to my "rescue".

"Young man, you're coming with me to the office." The old buzzard drags him away, by the ear.

"But I - I didn't. . ." He stutters anxiously,

"You didn't squeeze my boob, and say it's your squishy, to mock Dori from Nemo?" I say, innocently.

Mr.Brilla's face contorts in disgust. "Have you no shame boy. And Emerson, why aren't you in class?" He eyes me, irratated.

"Charles was preventing me from leaving my locker." I pout, and do my best to look sweet even though I'm just a lying bitch.

But I have to admit, seeing Charles squirm uncomfortably is kind of hillarious.

He may be a ginger, but I'm the one with no soul.

"I'll write you a pass to your class." He offers, and walks away to get his passes.

"What was that?" Charles seethes. I've never seen him this mad before. Maybe I over did it a little . . .

"Hey, you were freaking me out with all of the princess crap. Plus, by the way you kept licking your lips I thought you were gonna rape me or something." I shrug, glad that he finally doesn't like me anymore.

"I was trying to be a gentleman." He huffs out an angry breath.

"Well you were coming off more as a serial killer. Honestly, Charles, you can't make such predatory faces at me and expect me to be fine with it."

"I thought you were different, Emerson. I thought you weren't so judgemental, but I guess I was wrong." Charles clenches his fists.

"Sorry, I didn't mean for you to get in trouble. I just wanted you to leave me alone." I avoid his glare, but can still feel it piercing my body.

"You should have just been honest with me."

"I know." I still keep concentration on the floor.

"Emerson? Here's your pass, now get to class." Mr. Brillo dirrects.

I shuffle over to my locker, try opening it to get my bag, and it opens easily.

Why couldn't it have just opened before?? I would feel 100% less guilty right now if my locker didn't have to have a spasm earlier. I grab my baby blue gym bag and run towards the gym.

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