Chapter 13: Confusing Feelings

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*Authors note: I'm so so sorry for taking forever to update!! I hope you guys like it and if you do end up liking it then comment or vote :) Also, this chapter is dedicated to missymaris for making this amazing trailer!!!!*

I check myself out in the mirror one last time, brush off any wrinkles on the yellow fabric, and take a deep breath. I've been a third wheel before, this shouldn't be any different . . . except for my date cancelled on me. I sigh, I know it's not Ryan's fault for being sick, but I was so damn excited to go to the fair with him.

"What's with all of the sighing, Emerson?" Melanie asks, her facial expressions softening as she looks me over.

"I just really wanted my first date OF MY LIFE TO BE PERFECT!" I throw my hands up, exasperated. Does nobody understand what I'm going through right now? As I'm slumped over, I spot my phone on the ground. I scroll down my contacts till I find Ashton's contact in the "m" section. His contact is saved as My "Brother". I tap the keys on the screen of my iPhone, one perk of having a rich father, and type out "ASHTON! Ryan's not going to our double date at the fair and I don't think I can pretend to be your sister again :( it's not easy"

"Mel, does this sound clingy?" I show her the phone, which she grabs greedily. As she reads her eyes bug out and her eyebrows raise up.

"EXPLAIN!" Is all she shouts, and out comes the complicated story that unfortunately is my life.

"Well a few weeks ago, Ashton and I were walking to the bus, and we saw Skylar. I asked him to introduce us, cause I wanted to know if my" I mutter the words "first love" and continue "was dating a total bitch or not. Basically she was going to get jealous of our friendship so Ashton told her that we were siblings, to prevent that. Skylar wanted us to meet up more often, as a group, so she could get to know 'Ashy's sister' but I started liking him more and more!"

I take a breath, then keep talking,"But then Ryan magically came into my life when I was punched in the face in gym class, and we like have a really great connection now. Plus, when I found out about his rough past, I invited him over, and then he saved my life by punching my dad. And Ryan and I are both SUPER flawed so I don't have to worry about acting perfect or something. UGHHHHHHH I'M SCREWED!!"

"So let me see if I have this straight, Ashton introduced you to Skylar, he said you were his "sister" so she wouldn't be jealous, you agreed to pretend, then started liking Ashton more and more, Ryan appeared in your life, so now you're in a love-triange and tangled web of lies?" I wince at the 'web of lies' part, but nod.

Melanie pats my head sympathetically,"Oh Emmy. This pains me to say this, but of course I'm gonna come out and say it, Ashton's using you. No guy would have you do something like lie about being a family member, if they didn't have an alliterative motive. That boy is hiding something."

I shrug, "I don't even know anymore, Mel!"

My phone buzzes, "Em, please go to the fair tonight at 7 anyways. It would make me happy :)" Shit, I didn't know I sent that. Well even though the text seems suspicious. .. I respond,"Fine :P I'll be there."

*Skylar's P.O.V.*

Immediately after school, I text my mom "Im going out 2night <3" I mean, she's at a hotel with her boss having a week long "business trip". Heehee must be some "serious" business. Wink wink. She texts back "Oohh have fun baby ;) & b careful there is a serial killer on da loose! K?" My eyes bug out, this is almost as scary as when my daddy threatened to take away my credit card. Yes, having rich divorced parents is such utter bliss. Honestly, it is. I glance at my phone, then reply to mom,"Ill b careful <3 even though its not me u need 2 worry bout."

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