Chapter 9: Hospital Drama

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*Ryan's P.O.V*

I make sure that Emerson's hand and mine stay connected during just about the entire hospital experience. It hasn't been easy, let me tell you that. About every five minutes there's an smiling and upbeat, slightly overweight middle aged nurse, asking if I minded letting go of her hand. Obviously if I grunt out "I'm not letting go." once, I'm going to have the same answer the second and third time the question is asked. It's honestly pissing me off. Plus, my mom hasn't quite been taking the entire situation lightly either. Even though mom's diner schedule is super busy, and she has to wait on about a dozen tables an hour, she continues to find time to call and make sure I'm okay. I think now that I'm 16 I can handle myself without her. Mom acts like I was the one who was grabbed by the neck and nearly chocked to death.

The image of Emerson's white face and hopeless brown eyes flys into my mind. I peek at her sleeping face, then squeeze her hand as reassurance that I'm still here. Not only that, but I'm holding her hand just like I promised. I hear light bickering from what it seems to be a screechy girl and a getting-fed-up guy. Jeez, they sound like an old married couple, and not the cute kind. The kind that needs to get divorced is what the couple in the hallway sound like.

I turn my attention back to Emerson, continuing to play with her hair. Maybe I could braid it like I braided Celeste's hair when we were younger.

"Ryan! Ryan! Can you braid my hair for Jill's Birthday Party?" Celeste sticks out her lip, pairing this with puppy dog eyes. I remain strong for a little bit, then give in to my angelic little sister.

"Fine, Celeste." I roll my eyes but can't help grinning at the over-eager jumping six year old.

"Yay! Make them pretty." She hands me her pink glittery hairbrush, a few hair ties, and some kid friendly hair spray.

I spritz her hair with the spray, but accidentally spray a tiny bit of it on her neck. Celeste giggles, then complains that the spray tickles.

"Sorry little sis, have some patience."

"Am I going to look like a princess, Ry-ry?" Her voice sounds sad, as if she doesn't think she already looks like a princess. I wonder who made her doubt her beauty. Whoever it is, they're going to seriously regret it.

"You always look like a princess, Celeste." I say honestly, and begin twisting her long black ringlets into a braid. I take about fifteen minutes, due to my lack of knowledge on braiding, but somehow get it done.

"All done! Alright Princess Celeste, have fun at your party." I announce, then let her go.

After that day, things with Celeste were really different. She walked around seeming half-empty and sad. When I'd see her in the house, she'd whisper things like "Forget about me" and "Move on with your life". It really made zero sense. Also, mom cried more often, and just seemed utterly depressed.

The door of Emerson's little hospital room flies open. pulling me from my deep thinking. Entering is one of the most talked about couples in our entire school. Ashton and Skylar. What are they doing here?

"Uh, could you guys be more quiet? Emerson's resting. She just had surgery." I say, not caring how rude I sound.

*Ashton's P.O.V.*

"Uh, could you guys be more quiet? Emerson's resting. She just had surgery." Ryan states, in a monotone.

What is that bastard doing here?

"Did you do this to her?" I growl.

"Hi there, Ryan." Skylar says sexily, giving him a little wave. I shoot her a stop-fucking-flirting look, that she thankfully seems to get.

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