Chapter 7: Movie watching with a Criminal

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I start hyperventilating, HOW DID THIS HAPPEN???! How can sweet, caring, extremely attractive Ryan EVER have gone to jail?? I spaztically click the picture, hoping for the website connected to it to provide some SERIOUS answers.

The criminal justice website's article says:

16 year old teenager, named Ryan Martin was caught beating his 12 year old victim, Kelsey Minroe. The boy says he was simply standing up for his younger sister, who was supposedly 12 too. Martin gestured to a place, where his supposed "sister" was, but there was nobody there. He also said that Kelsey had been calling his sister fat, ugly, and worthless which Kelsey declined. She stated that she had never heard of a Celeste Martin before in her life. Kelsey Minroe says, "When I saw such an hot guy coming over to me,I was flattered. I mean, what girl wouldn't be? But then he got a fierce look in his eyes and started hurling accusations at me, along with his fists. I was really scared, I still am, and I - I - just want to go home." Kelsey Minroe (victim) had a cut lip, and a bruised eye when cops found them. Ryan was charged for assault, but when the court case came up he plead insanity, and was brought into a anger management place/asylum for 6 months to replace his time in prison. Ms. Minroe's parents decided not to press charges against Mr. Martin, since they were afraid he'd come after their poor daughter again.

(Article written in: August 2011)

Well, I hadn't seen Ryan until about halfway into the year , , , could he have been at the asylum? I mean, when Ryan came to school, everyone talked about him being "new" for about a week.

Oh my God.

Holy shit.

Ryan beat up an seemingly innocent 12 year old.

Once again, HOLY SHIT.

My phone beeps . . . it's Ryan, The text says : So what's up buttercup?

Ohh nothing, just learning about you being an ex-criminal and reading about how you assualted a 12 year old, I think. But I know better than to send that, he could come over and kick my ass.

CALM DOWN EMERSON! There's got to be a perfectly good reason for him beating a young girl shit-less. Maybe she . . . said he had a small dick?

That's not a good enough reason. Hmm, what about she stole his money and , , , kicked him in the balls?

Nope, that's not a good reason either.

BEEP! Ryan: Are you there?

I quickly respond: Yeah I was just brushing my cat, and she ran away so I chased her and couldn't answer the phone :P

Wow, I guess now Ryan's not the only one who sucks at making excuses. I don't think I even OWN a cat. Texting Ryan makes me feel super nervous, now that I know his dark past. I don't really want to be punched in the eye or have my lip cut.

But then again, there's a bit of dark mystery in Ryan that I can't help to want to get to understand. I want to know why he punched that girl, or about his supposed sister, all of it. And there's only one way to get him to tell me : I have to become super close with him. I'm not sure if I will be pretending to be his friend, or actually be his friend. I guess it all depends on how the cookie crumbles, and hopefully Ryan and I don't crumble with it.

I feel a rush of adrenaline pulsing through my veins, as my SECOND secret project is about to begin. (my first secret project being pretending to be Ashton's sister)>

I type out: Do you want to come over and watch a movie tonight? My dad isn't home and I'm super lonely :( please be a good friend and say you'll come!

You can do it Emerson, push the send button, I coax myself. A little blurb flashes across my phone's screen.


I start breathing quickly, regretting sending that text to Ryan. I cross my fingers and wish that he's busy.

Ryan: I'll be over in ten minutes, and I'll bring some snacks :)

Awesome. I'm having a movie date with a criminal.

As promised, ten minutes later, an old Chevy pickup truck is in the drive-way, and Ryan exits with snacks. I turn on lots of the lights in the living room, the place where we will watch the movie. I make sure the room looks as bright as day, just in case things go badly and the police need to search the scene of where my splattered blood will be.

Jeez I have a dark imagination, and it's not helping the already developed nerves. I'd say it's actually making things worse. A light knock the door pulls my out of my possible endings to the movie date thingy, I get up to let America's Most Wanted in.

Maybe I'm being a bit dramatic, I better be less judgemental of him, otherwise I'll never know why he pounded the 12 year old.

"Hi, Ryan. WOAHHHH! YOU BROUGHT TWIZLERS! My favorite!" I squeal, completely forgetting who I'm talking to, His criminal record vanishes from my mind.

He chuckles, "Hey Emerson, thanks for inviting me over. I was pretty bored myself."

"What other snacks did you bring??!" I ask, ignoring his thanks. I mean, HE HAD A HUGE BAG OF UNIDENTIFIED CANDIES AND JUNK!

That stuff's important.

"I'm starting to think you only wanted me to come over for my food." Ryan laughs and sits on the couch.

Nope, just for you interesting past.

"Nahh, food isn't the ONLY thing I care about . . . I care about undercover superheros too!" I reassure him, as I pop my favorite chick flick into the DVD machine.

"So what movie are we going to watch, buttercup?" He asks, smirking at his use of a nickname for me.

Bring it buddy, the nickname war has begun!

"Well, batman, I was thinking of us watching Mean Girls. Cause I love that movie! I mean WHO DOESN'T LOVE SOME BACKSTABBING BITCHES???" I laugh hysterically, and snort once.

Grr, my laugh is cursed with the dreaded snort, so I often snort while laughing.

"Honestly, I don't think anyone loves backstabbing bitches, but if they get you excited, Miss Piggy, then we'll watch it." Ryan nudges me playfully with his elbow.

"My sister always begs my mom to watch this movie, but she's only 12 so she's not really allowed." He says, right before the movie is about to start.

"You have a sister?" I play along, as if I don't know about his "sister", The one the cops said he didn't have.

"Yes, I'd do anything for her. You wouldn't believe how much trouble I have gotten in because of her." Ryan rolls his eyes, but the love in his voice is really strong.

"What kind of trouble?" I ask, trying to sound all innocent.

"Well one time-" He starts, but a booming voice interrupts him.


I recognize who it is, and I don't even need to turn around to know.

"Hi . . . dad." I stutter.

His "Sister"Where stories live. Discover now