Chapter 10: Hyper Poptart FUUUUNNN

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Real quickly I'd like to thank JustifiedThirteen for making the great banner to the side!! :)

*Emerson's P.O.V.*

I feel all warm and fuzzy from holding hands, with such a mysterious boy for so long. But then, after he agreed to go the double date, he had to leave. To take care of his sister.

So I said goodbye, to my favorite superhero, and said hello to the one who started it all.


After Ryan left, Skylar trailed behind him, insisting that Ashton came to go see her become faker than she really is. Well, she didn't quite say it like that . . . but she wanted him to come to her hair styling appointment.

How stupid can she be? Of course Ashton would rather be with his "sister" than watch you become "more beautiful". Pfft, hair dye and a new container of fake eyelashes don't do ANYTHING. Stupid girl.

Dating someone doesn't automatically make them your little puppy who follows you around and does what you say.

Or does it . . . ? Since I've always been single, I'm not sure how dating crap really works. I just observe couples doing cute things, and think of insane ways the relationship could end. For example, Ashton and Skylar could break-up because during their jousting duel (on their pet unicorns) and he beat her cause he threw sparkles IN HER FACE, and she didn't like that.

I have too much free time on my hands, I swear.

That, and the lustful way Aston is looking at me is making my tummy feel like a butterfly. Wait, is that right? Is that how the saying goes,"My stomach feels like a butterfly?". Hmm, it doesn't seem right.

"Emerson, do you have any twos?" He wonders, since we're playing go fish. I search through my hand and find three two's.


Wow, I make no sense when I'm throwing fake tantrums, due to eating sugar.

I childishly throw the cards in his face, and stick out my tongue.

"Emerson, calm down." Ashton says, through bits of laughter.

"But I don't want TO CALM DOWN!!" I screech, then make random animal noises "MOOO!! MEOWW!! WOOF!! RIBBETT!!"

What, I am feeling . . . wild.

Warm hands gently grip my shoulders, "Emerson, your hyper, craziness is setting off your monitor." To prove his point, the monitor that my I.V. is hooked up to makes loud beeping noises.

"BEEP, BEEP TO YOU TO!" I yell at the machine, causing Ashton to roll his eyes.

"If anyone but you had been yelling at a machine, I would think there was something wrong with them." He says with a smirk.

"Well, Mr.Buttface, it's not my fault you gave me a pop tart. Those things give me the BIGGEST SUGAR HIGHS EVERRRRRR!" I grin crazily, then poke his abs. WOW THEY ARE STONE HARD!!

Guilt flashes across Ashton's face and he starts to become flustered, "I - I- I didn't know. I'm s-s-o-rry for . . . giving them to y-ou."

Aww, he looks cute when he's struggling.

"It's okay, Ashton. No need to have a heart attack, I'm glad you gave me pop tarts. They make me feel like I'm not in a crusty,bland, sterile hospital. Plus the hospital food is nasty." I scrunch up my face in disgust.

"Then why didn't you interrupt me when I was apologizing?" Ashton pretends to be kind of mad, and adult-like. It's funny actually.

Cause you looked adorable stuttering and blushing.

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