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Adym POV
I picked up Jordan and brought her inside the venue and tried to wake her up.I look at her arms and saw she got cut.Someone must of done it in the croud.

TAYLER GO GET A TOWEL! I yell to Tyler.Babe your going to be okay I promise.Why would one of my fans do this to Jordan,she didn't do anything. I get up and told Aaron to keep and eye on her while I go talk to the fans.

I go on stage and grab a the mikrophone and started to talk.Okay I know you guys don't really no Jordan but that doesn't mean to hurt her.I'm really angry because I would never thought you guys would do that.So I'm not going to do the show today till she wakes up.Or mabie if you guys don't want me happy I will not do any of the shows at all.So bye for now and dont expect a broadcast after this.

Jordan POV
I feel someone holding my hand and talking.It sounds like Aaron talking and trying to wake me up.Please Jordan you have to wake up.We all need you and Adym is a mess without you right now.We canceled the show and I think we're going to take you to the hospital.Just please wake up for Adym he said in the verge of tears.

I try and try but nothing until I open my eyes and hold Aarons hand harder.HEY GUYS SHE IS AWAKE COME QUICK! he yells.I see all the boys in the room smiling and then seeing Adym run in.

babe your okay he says yeah I'm okay because I heard what Aaron was saying.By The way thanks Aaron for waking me up I smile at him.Adym can we go to the hotel I'm really tired.sure babe you do look tired anyway.

Adym POV
We get to the hotel and Jordan fell asleep in the car.Jackson Picked her up and took her to the room.Thanks bro I said to Jackson no problem she is like a little sister and I love her Jackson says.I smile to him and say goodnight to him.Today was a long day and I don't no how tomorrow would be like.

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