Chapter One- The Plan

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"Hey Sonic Wait up!" Silver yelled.

Sonic, a blue, one meter tall hedgehog turned to stare at the silver hedgehog.

"Yeah Silver?" He turned to face the silver hedgehog face on.

Silver was the same height as him , one meter tall, and has a crazy fern like hair do. He is a pretty cool guy and has awesome psychokinesis powers, on the other hand, Sonic has speed, strength and his witt's. 

"I was wondering if this plan is gonna work, you know, the party?" Silver stated.

"What! Of course it would work Silver. It WAS my idea." The blue hedgehog bragged.

Silver rolled his gold eyes,"Yeah well lets hope your right." Then stated to walk away,"Hold on, did you invite anyone?" Silver questioned.

Sonic's emerald green eyes widened,"Oh damn I forgot! We have to deliver all of them."

Silver just sighed,"How are we going to deliver nine invitations in two hours?"

Sonic just smiled and said,"Easy, leave it to me." Then he was off leaving Silver by himself.

"I knew he would forget." Silver looked down at the grass,"I wonder if Shadow will like the surprise party we have for him." Then he ran home to start getting ready for the party.

Meanwhile Sonic has already delivered two invitations, one to Charmy and the other to Espio.

He was looking for Vector when Shadow appeared,"Whoa Shadow don't do that again!" Sonic exclaimed, hiding the invitations behind his back.

"What's that behind your back faker?" Shadow asked.

"Oh nothing just going for a run, enjoying the beautiful day." Sonic lied.

"That didn't answer my question, What's behind your back?" Shadow asked again, becoming more irritated.

"Oh right um," Sonic paused, trying to make a good excuse,"I have a present for Amy, I never got to give it to her yesterday."

Shadow just looked at him then turned around and crossed his arms,"Humph" He was all he said.

"Ok but no surprises, right?" Shadow stated.

"Yeah no surprises." Sonic agreed. Although he was getting nervous.

Shadow turned around to stare at the blue hedgehog, Sonic couldn't meet his ruby red eyes.

"Your hiding something arn't you?" Shadow guessed, looking at Sonic's face.

"W-what? No I'm not!" Sonic shot back,"Just leave me alone for a while, please."

Shadow stared at Sonic, surprised,"Your asking ME to leave YOU alone? Wow today keeps getting stranger and stranger."Shadow announced to himself,"Stranger and stranger. Well see ya around faker."

Sonic took a deep breath when Shadow walked around the corner.

"Man I hope I have to do THAT again." Then ran of the deliver the other invitations.


Sonic had just finished delivering the last invitation and was about to go home to get ready for the party.

"Sonic!" A pink hedgehog called out,"Sonic please come here, please!"

Sonic turned around to see Amy running to him,"Not now Amy I need to get ready!"

Amy pouted,"But Sonic i need your help, I don't know what to wear!"

Sonic just stared at her,"Why don't you wear your favorite dress?"

"Oh thank you Sonic!" Amy nearly tackled Sonic giving him a hug.

"I will wear it just for you."She told him.

"Okay great, now can I please go get ready?" Sonic asked her.

Amy just stared at Sonic in a dreamily way then said,"Of course Sonic, you need to look your best."

When Sonic got home he saw Silver waiting outside his front door,"There you are. Are you even ready, the party will start soon!" Silver exclaimed to Sonic.

"Yikes, you sound like my mum." Sonic joked,"I won't be long, I swear." Sonic crossed his heart in a jokingly manner.

 Silver just rolled his eyes,"What ever,but you need to get ready!"

Sonic raised his hands and,"Okay, okay, give me five minutes."

Silver nodded his head,"Okay but after that I'm going, whether your ready or not."

Sonic ran inside to get ready, again leaving Silver by himself,"Why do I even bother?" Silver wondered with himself.

Five minutes later Sonic came out looking clean well groomed.

"So are you ready?"He asked Silver.

"As ready as I'll ever be I guess."Silver sighed.

"Okay let's go then."Sonic said,"Luckily Tails is leading Shadow, or else we won't be able to have a party." 

"Yeah I guess your right."Silver agreed,"Should we go now?"

"Yeah maybe, so we're not late."Sonic winked at Silver then they both went to the party.

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