Chapter 8- Feeding Time

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Okay so sorry for the wait, its the same reason as Haven's Surprise..... Enjoy


Sonic, Shadow and Silver looked through the window, "I have to admit it does feel weird to be watching, you know, girls." Silver stated

"Shadow look what you did, now the poor kid is feeling like a stalker." Sonic told Shadow.

"Well I'm sorry that I state what I think and feel." shadow glared at the blue hedgehog," Besides, I'm sure you feel like one to."

"Well I- I guess I do." Sonic looked at the ground.

"See? Now stop getting up me and just tell us your plan that you just made up."

"Okay, well of coarse we wait for everyone to go to sleep, then we sneak in ike the vampires we now are," Sonic explained," Then we feed and run for the hills, or in this case the mountain."

Silver looked at Sonic," Well, that's what we were gonna do anyway."

"Yeah but..." Sonic was cut off by rustling in the bushes.

"What the hell was that?" Shadow asked.

"Never mind, look the girls have gone to sleep, time to act." Sonic pointed out.

The three hedgies snuck into the house and headed for the room,"This is it, let's hope we don't mess this up." Sonic whispered.

They all went to who they where feeding from, Sonic to Amy, Shadow to Rouge and Silver the Blaze.

"Are you guys sure about this? What if they wake up?" Silver asked.

"Don't start doubting now, just do it." Shadow harshly whispered back.

"Fine, fine." Silver bent down to Blaze's neck," Sorry Blaze." He whispered.

Sonic and Shadow where now leaning in on their victims, both already feeding,"Okay done, now lets get out of-" Shadow was cut off to crashing coming from the kitchen.

"Damn, someone else is here!" Shadow said. Silver had just finished feeding,

"What do you mean?" He asked, a little scared.

"It means someone is breaking into their house." Sonic pointed at the sleeping girls.

"Well let's go see who." Silver told them.

They walked out into the kitchen, only to find a silver wolf laying there, unconscious.

"What is she doing here? I've never even seen her before." Sonic stated.

"We should take her with us, back to our cave." Silver told them.

"What! Are you crazy Silver? We are vampires, and I'm pretty sure she isn't." Sonic shot at the silver hedgehog.

"Lets just help her." Shadow said, getting a confused look from both Sonic and Silver.

"Yes, now I won't feel all bad about being a vampire." Silver cheered.

"Fine, but we need to be careful, and not tell her what we are." Sonic sighed."Yes, of coarse Sonic, we will keep the secret." Shadow stated, getting rather annoyed," Now are we going back or not?"

.....................................................................................................................................................................................Who is this mysterious wolf? Why was she out at night? Find out in the next chapter! XD Oh and sorry for this chapter being short, I will make the next one longer!

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