Chapter Three- Hognapped

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Ok so just a sums up so far, Sonic and Silver planned a surprise party for Shadow, it all goes according to plan, that is until the lights went off and they went missing. Where are they now? Read on to find out. Oh and one other thing, I might update in one day i might update in a week, i just come and update as i go, so i might update this story in one day then come back a week later and do the next chapter, it depends no one knows. PLEASE FOLLOW ME.


Silver was the first to wake up. The first thing he noticed was that he was tied to a bed.

"Sonic! Shadow! Where are you?"

"Shh we're right here, god don't yell." Shadow hissed.

"Oh sorry Shadow, is Sonic awake?"

"No not yet."

"Hey Shadow? How long have you been awake for?" Silver asked.

"Well I've been awake since you yelled out." Shadow stated,"But never mind that, lets worry on how we are going to get out."

"Okay Shadow, can you move?"

Shadow tried to move his arms but they wouldn't budge,"No I can't. Try using you pyrokinesis."

"You mean my psychokinesis?" Silver corrected.

"Whatever! Just use it."

Silver tried to unlatch the leather cuffs that was tied over his hands and waist.

"It's no use." He sighed," It won't work."

"Mmm chili dogs." Sonic muttered in his sleep.

Silver had to try and not laugh whilst Shadow gave a little smirk,"Well you think we should tell him that he talks in his sleep?" Silver chuckled.

"Na leave him be." Shadow told him.

"So why are we here?" Silver wondered.

"Well that's quiet simple you rodent." Came a mysterious voice, "I'm going to turn you into the monster of the night, so people fear you, no one trusts you and no one will ask for your help. Ho ho ho ho ho!"

"I know that laugh from anywhere! Dr. Eggman!" Shadow shouted, "Let us go you boiled egg!"

"Oh you won't be going anywhere." Came another familiar voice.

"Mephiles!" Silver yelled, "What are you doing here?"

"Oh how ironic fate can be you fool." Mephiles chuckled.

"Why!" Silver demanded.

"The same reason Egghead and I captured you." Yet again another familiar voice,"Oh this will be interesting." Out came a green hedgehog wearing red sunglasses and a black jacket, he had two scares on his chest and an evil smile across his face.

"Scourge!" Sonic yelled.

Shadow and Silver turned to look at the blue hedgehog,"Sonic your awake!" Silver said.

 "Yeah I guess I am." Sonic confirmed,"And it looks like we have company."

He started struggling with the leather cuffs over his hands and waist.

"Damn I can't get out!" Sonic cried.

"So anyway doc, why do you want us?" Shadow questioned, hoping to stall him.

 "Well that's simple again you brash hedgehog, I'm going to-" Scourge cuts him off and adds,"WE are going to turn you into vampires!" He gave the hedgies an evil grin.

"Yes and why we are doing this you ask?" Mephilse continued," So people fear you. So people won't trust you to save them, and because no one will ask for your help."

"Which is the same as not trusting us." Silver corrected.

Scourge rolled his eyes,"Yes whatever, but what we really aim for is that people will fear you so much that they start hunting you." He stared at Sonic, who growled back.

Then Dr. Eggman disappeared into a room, lots of clattering coming from that direction,"Got it!" He yelled. He emerged from the room with three big needles.

"These big babies are what we need to turn you three into the bloodsuckers." Scourge confirmed, giving all three hedgies the evil look. 

"Your all sick! Silver yelled," You never thought that we could come back here and..."

"And what hedgehog? Feed from us? Kill us? That doesn't sound like you." Eggman shot back,"Besides if you try to do that you won't last very long. My lab is state of the art. Nothing can get in here without being spotted."

He gave Scourge and Mephiles a needle each," Now who would like to be Turned first?" He walked up to Silver, "Why not you?"

"Leave him alone!" Sonic yelled," If anyone is to go first, I will."

"Sonic, don't do it." Silver said. He looked at Sonic with pleading eyes.

"I'm sorry Silver but I don't want either of you to go first."

Shadow just shook his head but said nothing.

"Oh i've been waiting a long time for this." Scourge walked up to Sonic, giving him an evil smile,"Well arn't my dreams coming true."

Suddenly, without warning, pain shot through Sonic's right arm, making him scream. Then everything went black.

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