Chapter Seventeen- Torture isn't Fun!

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YOLO!! I just want to say that this idea I got from SonicHero123!!! I MUST THANK YOU cause I was a little stuck... And my sister helped me with another part which I will tell you at the end of this chapter [it happens in this chapter]. AND Haven's P.O.V is going to be VERY long, compared to the others, for certain reasons of cause. ANYWAY better let you all read ;) ENJOY...   

Silver's P.O.V   

I had a bad feeling in the bottom of my stomach. We never found Haven so we returned to the cave and went to sleep, when I had a dream,

I was tied to a wall, my chest is still hurting from the stake, even though the green hedgehog stabbed me, I hope they don't do anything else, it hurts to much, I might lose control, I was close before, but now...

I heard someone walk up to me, but I didn't raise my head. They lifted my head up and I came face to face with the one that looks like Shadow. I growled as my fangs lengthened, I was hungry, starving, and he was just teasing me.

"Calm down, I came to feed you, it's my job." He grumbled. I stopped growling as he gave me another bag of liquid. I feed and he left, I could feel the wound in my stomach fully heal now and I felt a little relaxed.

Someone else walked into the room, it was the green hedgehog, and he had the knife again. I hissed at him but he wasn't scared, he just walked over to me and raised the knife. I closed my eyes and waited for the pain...   

I woke up just before I got stabbed. That must have been Haven! It was night out again and Sonic was stirring, so was Shadow. I sighed, I never got to see where she was, I just saw who was there, the one that looks like Shadow, who is Mephiles and the green one, Scourge.

Sonic sat up and looked around, as did Shadow,

"Hey guys, what's up?" I asked.

"Nothing, why?" Sonic replied.

"We need to get moving again, now, so we can find Haven." Shadow grunted, he stood up as did Sonic and I.

"I had a dream." I told them.

"But, we don't dream anymore, remember?" Sonic stated.

"No, it was Haven, it must have been what happened last night or just now, I don't know." I sighed, "But Mephiles and Scourge are there, and they are torturing her."

"God damn it! Where would they hide her?" Sonic exclaimed.

"Sonic, don't fret, we will find her," Shadow stated.

"Shadow, they are torturing her, that's horrible. I know it's happening and I can't help her!" Sonic yelled.

"Guys, lets just go, now, we might be able to find her." I told them, come on. So we went out again, to look for our teacher.

Haven's P.O.V     

I woke up, last night was a pain, and the green one only repeated it. I guess I should be gladit was only one stab, not ten or whatever, but I was hungry again. The door opened and I looked up to see the human walking over with a needle.

I tried to get out but I'm to weak, all I can manage to do it speak, "If your gonna stick a needle in me, I would like to know your name." I grunted.

"Relax, I am Dr. Eggman, the smartest scientist in the world!" The human stated.

I growled, "And the other two?"

"The green one is Scourge, and the other one is Mephiles." Eggman explained.

"Why are you doing this?" I asked.

"Well, you see." He stuck the needle in my side, and I felt a little stab of pain, but nothing to big, "I need your blood to turn one of my workers into a vampire, and the torture? It wasn't my idea, it was Scourge's. He said that when the three rodents come, you will be so hungry all you will see them as is food, not your friends."

He took the needle out of my side, and I slowly began to heal, "Will you be feeding me?"

He shook his head, "Not anymore, just this last time, then Scourge will come again." He laughed as he walked away with my blood. I sighed as Mephiles walks in,

"Don't worry, I'm feeding you."

"I know, but this is the last time, isn't it? Eggman just told me." I stared at the bag, hungry for it.

"Yes, and we planned it, so you will destroy those hedgehogs when they come for you." He nodded, holding the bag for me. I feed off it and sighed again, my wounds fully healed, again. He walked out of the room, and I waited for Scourge to come. 

Finally, the door opened, but in came another hedgehog. He looked like Silver but with blue eyes and orange chest fur, plus he wore different boots.

"Hello, I'm Venice, and I just came to thank you for donating that blood for me. because of you, I will become as powerful as the others, and there is no stopping me." He grinned evilly. I bared my fangs at him and he came closer,

"Interesting, do they grow when they want, or do you control them?" He asked.

"Find out yourself!" I spat.

"Oh, I will." His eyes gleamed, "I will."

He walked out of the room and scourge came in, the same knife he had the other two times in his hand, "This time, I won't go so easy."

He walked over and raised the knife. He stabbed my stomach again, but this time, when he pulled back, he did it again, and again, and again. He wasn't stopping, as I realized, and I was screaming, even if I am a vampire, it still hurts.

Then he stabbed me in the chest, where the stake had been the day before and I arched my back. It made it worse, and I was bleeding to much, soon I will be to hungry to think, and I will rip apart the first thing that moves... Great. Now I don't want anyone to save me, not if I'm just going to kill them in the end.

Sonic's P.O.V   

"So we know they are torturing her, but where they feeding her?" I questioned Silver.

He nodded, "Yes, and don;t worry Sonic. Your acting like you love her."

I shook my head, "I don't, it's just a hero thing, I hate it when people are getting hurt and--"

"Yeah we know, you can't help blah blah blah, we have heard this before Sonic. To many times before." Shadow rolled his eyes.

"Well sorry for being the one that cares." I snapped back.

"Guys please, no fighting. Silver sighed.

"So do you know where she is?" Shadow asked Silver.

"No, all I know is that they are torturing her, and she is tied up against a wall." He grumbled.

"Just asking." Shadow shrugged.

I was looking around when something caught my eye, it was dark and it was heading our way. It formed in front of us and Shadow and Silver stopped talking.

"Mephiles." I gasped, what is he doing here?

"Hello again, I have a feeling your looking for Haven?" He guessed.

"Yeah, where is she?" Silver growled, his fangs full length.

"Don't get your fangs in a not, she is fine, if you follow me, I will take you to her." He raised his hands in surrender and started walking.

"She's alright pfft. Your torturing her! I saw it!" Silver exclaimed.

"How?" Mephiles turned to look at him, and I got ready in case he attacked, I don't really trust him, and I never will.

"In a dream, now take us to her." Silver ordered. Shadow and I shared a glance, a smirk, as Mephiles nodded and continued walking. I guess we are about to save Haven.

OKAY there you go, now the part my sister helped me with was who I was going to 'turn'. She told me I should do Venice, since I lover Silver so much -_- anyway, Haven out!!!

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