Chapter Fifteen- Lets Fight

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Sonic's P.O.V  

FINALLY, we get to learn how to use your vampire abilities, I've been waiting for what feels like an eternity, same with Shadow and Silver. Haven has been drilling us with vampire history and all this other stuff I can't remember.

"Okay guys, today your going to learn to fight." Haven stated, "You won't learn straight up, it will take some time, you will need to harness your control on your speed and your strength."

"Pfft, speed will be easy for me." I boasted, "I'm the fastest thing alive remember?"

"But, your not alive." Silver smiled.

"Well, he sort of is, remember the black and white, black being dead and white being life?" Haven asked.

"I think that is racist." Shadow crossed his arms.

"Anyway, there is a small grey part, vampires, we are dead AND alive, remember now?"

"Oh yeah, now I remember." Silver laughed, "Do vampires have bad memory?"

"No, they have really good memory actually, because we live for longer than normal beings, we can remember more." Haven smiled.

"Hehe oops." Silver scratched his head.

"Anyway, lets get to fighting, we will need to be prepared for anything!" I exclaimed.

"That's the spirit Sonic!" Haven fist pumped, "Now, I will fight you three one on one, no team ups."

"Okay, Sonic can go first! He is the fastest thing alive right?" Shadow mocked.

"Sure, I'm sure Haven wouldn't mind fighting me. Well I guess I should go easy on you right?" I asked.

"Whatever you think is best." She flashed her fangs, a glint of excitement in her eyes. She charged at me, and I was just able to duck under her fist, she was fast! Almost as fast as me. I took a step back and swung my leg into her ribs. She grabbed my leg and made me trip over, I hit my head on the ground.

I sat up a little dazed then I was lifted by Haven, she swung her fist into the side of my head, and the world started spinning. I tried to hit her but missed by a mile, she ducked under my arm and kicked me behind my knee. I fell over, defeated.

"Wow, she beat the fasted thing alive." Shadow smirked.

"Your not fast if you don't know what your doing." Haven dusted her hands. She offered me one and I took it, she helped me up and I swayed a little, but stood my ground.

"You better stay down." Haven advised. I nodded and walked over to a tree and leaned on it, sliding onto my butt.

"Okay, who is next?" Haven asked.

"Well we need to learn strength so why not me?" Shadow walked forward.

"Fair enough." Haven shrugged her shoulders. This time Shadow charged at her lightning speed, with his fist out ready to strike. Haven easily sidestepped it and pushed him into the ground. He shot up, spitting grass and dirt from his mouth,

"Chaos Control!" He disappeared, Haven started looking around for him. He appeared behind her and kicked her in the head. She hit the ground and didn't get up.

Shadow's P.O.V  

I don't like my head being pushed into the ground, so I kicked her. She hasn't gotten up yet, and all is silent, I walked over to her to see if she was okay, I didn't really care, but I didn't want to look bad in front of everyone, even if it was only Sonic and Silver.

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