Chapter Four- The Begining

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OMG they are vampires! my mind is crazy but still sane enough to write this story. Wait how sane? Wow i must be insane, oh well hope your are enjoying the story so far! PLEASE COMMENT AND FOLLOW. I still have plenty ideas for other stories! Bye.


Sonic woke up, a painful feel in his gums.

"Ahhhhhhhh!" He yelled. The pain was getting more and more intense.

"HELP! SOMEONE HELP ME!" The pain grew and grew, until he finally opened his mouth and screamed at the top of his lunges.

"Sonic!" Silver tried to yell over the pain in his gum.

Shadow was doubled over in pain from the exact same thing, "What's going on?"

Then suddenly Sonic felt something stick through his pain filled gums. The pain was lifted away and the others stopped yelling to.

"Oh my god." Shadow said, a little shaken,"What WAS that?"

Sonic felt what had come threw his gums, "Oh no,"He started,"Egghead wasn't kidding about turning us into vampires." He pulled his hand away.

"Wait so your saying we just, we just" Shadow looked stunned.

"We just grew fangs?" Silver finished.

"Yeah guys, we just grew fangs." Sonic confirmed.

"Hey! What the...?" Shadow grabbed at his chest,"I can't feel my heart beat!"

Sonic and Silver tried to find their's,"Yeah and no pulse either." Silver stated, shocked.

"I guess that's what happens when your a vampire." Sonic looked down,"Hey we're out side!"

 Shadow and Silver quickly looked around,"Well that's nice, they didn't even give us anything to eat." Silver sighed," My stomach feels like it's about to cave in." He grabs his stomach.

"Yeah mine to."Shadow agreed,"So what do we do for food?"

"Well that's easy." A voice said,"You need to hunt, but luckily the Doctor has a heart." From out of nowhere three bags containing red liquid landed in front of the three hedgies.

"What is this stuff?" Silver asked, picking up the bag.

"Why what else would it be? It's blood you fool." The mysterious voice, explained. Then suddenly a shadow came out of the dark.

"Mephiles!" Silver yelled,"What are you doing here?"

'Just checking on you that's all." Mephiles stated."The Doctor wanted me to give you guys these bags and to give you a few tips on being a vampire."

"Why would he do that?" Sonic asked.

"Because he thinks it is unfair if you guys don't know what your up against." Mephiles confirmed,"And to be a vampire you NEED to know what your up agains't.

"Okay so what are we up against?" Shadow questioned.

"Well for starters, you can only eat or lets just say drink blood, and you have to do it at least once every week." Mephiles explained.

"And you can't go in the sunlight, plus stakes can kill you, whether they are silver or wood." He continued," And finally," If you get injured your wounds will automatically heal but you will need to feed soon after."

"Wow that's a lot, so basically, we can only drink blood? Nothing else?" Sonic asked.

"Yes that is correct." Mephiles answered,"So no chili dogs for you."

"Damn, wait how did you know?" Sonic looked stunned.

"Did you know that you talk in your sleep?" Mephiles asked.

"WHAT?" Sonic yelled.

Shadow and Silver both tried to not laugh. 

"Guys is this true?" Sonic started asking.

Silver looked at the ground,"Sorry Sonic but yes it is true."

Sonic face palmed,"Well you could have told me."

"Hey don't blame me! Shadow was the one who said not to tell you."

"Let's not start this now, Mephiles is there anything else?" Shadow continued.

"Yes there are two more things,"Mephiles went on,"When you feed off someone who is asleep they won't wake up to the pain, they will just see it as a nightmare."

"And lastly?" Sonic but in.

"Yes and lastly when you feed off ANYONE to heal the wounds you need to, well, you will know when that time comes."

"Wait you have to tell us!" Silver yelled, confused.

"No you will find out, when you need to, but for now please feed and leave." Mephiles said.

Suddenly he was gone and the three hedgies where left all alone in the woods,"So I talk in my sleep?" Sonic questioned.

"Yes." Shadow sighed,"Now let's feed and get out of here."

They took the bags and fed, all three feeling energy running through their veins.

"Well that was different, I've never felt anything like that." silver stated.

"Neither have I." Sonic and Shadow both agreed.

TO BE CONTINUED... Arn't i nice? comment if you want more

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