Chapter Sixteen- Let's get our Friend back

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Okay guys, just so you know, the victim at the start of this chapter was chosen by my brother, so I have to give him a thanks, okay, ENJOY!!!! 

Soni'c P.O.V   

I woke up to a blood curling scream, I sat up and looked around, frantic. It was the middle of the day, and the light from the front of the cave blinded me for a few seconds, my fangs lengthening and a hiss escaping from my throat.

My eyes adjusted to the horrible light, and my senses started screaming at me. I ignored them and saw who I thought was Shadow dragging someone away.

"Hey Shad, what are you doing?" I asked.

"That's not me." Shadow grunted from behind me.

"So who--"

"Mephiles!" Silver yelled.

"What about Haven?" Shadow asked. Oh crap. There was another blood curling scream and all three of us where standing in seconds, not fast enough. I saw Mephiles run, something big in his arm and something small in the other.

"He has her!" I yelled, I started running, when Shadow stopped me,

"Are you stupid, it's broad daylight! You will burn."

"He's right Sonic, we will have to go after them later, I guess we should just go to sleep." Silver yawned, "my senses are screaming at me and it's getting annoying."

I nodded, "Right, you both are, I just can't handle seeing, or knowing someone is hurt without doing something about it, I have to try and help. We better go to sleep."

"Okay, see you guys in a few hours." Silver weakly waved his hand then went and laid somewhere in the cave, away from the entrance.

"Yeah, whatever." Shadow grumbled, disappearing into the back of the cave.

I sighed and walked to a random spot as well, closing my eyes and falling into deep slumber.

~The Next Night~     

Shadow's P.O.V    

I woke up again, it was night, good. I sat up and rubbed my eyes, what happened? We woke up, and something happened, but I can't remember.

"Hey Sonic, you awake yet?" I called.

"Yeah, why?" His voice filled the cave.

"What happened?"

"Haven was taken by Mephiles."

"Oh yeah, I wonder how though, she isn't that vulnerable in sleep is she?" I asked.

"It depends on what Mephiles used to get her." Silver yawned.

"Like what?" I asked again.

"Well, he took her in broad daylight, plus you guys saw what he was holding right?" Silver stated.

"I saw a bag, and something else in his other hand." I admitted.

"Same here." Sonic agreed.

"That small thing was a stake." Silver sighed.

"Oh..." Sonic said.

"Ouch." I followed.

"We better find her, you never know what Mephiles will do to her." Silver stood up.

"Considering she is a vampire, he could do a lot." I stood up as well. Something was inside me, telling me to forget about her, and to move on. I was honestly a little surprised, I knew I was dark, but not that dark.

"I wonder why he took her." Sonic mumbled as he joined us. And so do I...

Haven's P.O.V       

I was weak, I had lost to much blood. That stake was horrible, my chest still throbbed, i'm just glad this monster didn't do it to my students, I would never forgive myself. I don't know where we are, in some lab thing, I hate these places.

"It looks like she is awake." Came a mysterious voice.

"Excellent, is she the one?" Another voice asked.

"Yes, she is the one, supposedly a Master." A third came.

"Should we feed her?" The first voice asked. The mysterious person walked forward, he looked like Sonic, but was green, wore a black jacket and had blue eyes.

I grew my fangs and bared them at him. He walked back with a smirk on his face.

"It would be best if we do, so we can start what we planned." The second came forward, he was tall, but had a round belly, like an egg, he also had a massive moustache. I bared my fangs at him to.

He glared in return, "Just drink this." He shoved a bag of red liquid in my face, and I tried to grab it, but I realized I was tied up. I growled. he untied one of my hands and I snatched the bag from his, sinking my fangs into it.

"I have never seen a vampire feed before." The green one said.

"I don't think anyone has, besides Mephiles." The human grumbled.

"Yes, but only because I had to." The third voice walked out, he looked like Shadow, but had grey stripes and green eyes.

"Oh quit your yacking, has she finished?" The human looked at me. I growled, but yes, I had finished. The one that looked like Shadow stared at me, and I notice he doesn't have a mouth, but the green one smiles.

"Let's get to work then." 

The human tied my arm up again and I hissed as the green one got to close for comfort. He lifted up a knife and I stopped baring my fangs, I tried to kick him, but my legs where tied to the wall as well.

A pain shot through my arm as he stuck the knife in it, I bared my fangs, again, and arched my back. The pain disappeared and I opened my eyes, to see a grinning green hedgehog. My arm healed, and I felt a little hungry.

He stabbed the knife into my gut and I screamed, Sonic, Shadow, Silver, please hurry.

I know it's a little short but... I'M SORRY!!! I DIDN'T KNOW WHAT TO DO!!! DX The next one will be longer, and Haven's P.O.V will be seen more, for obvious reasons... -_- anyway haven out!!

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